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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I wish him nothing but the best. We squandered him.
  2. $2-4M??? LOLOLOLOL The Niners gave Gross-Matos $18M over two years. I guarantee you they were offering at LEAST that to Young. Expect for Young to get quite a bit more on a short term prove it deal. A lot of guys make a LOT of money off of potential and draft status.
  3. I don't like that we have an arguably top 5 OG top 5 LT money. That's not what smart teams do. I mean... it's not like a Panthers fan has far to look to find something to be upset about. We don't have to go nitpicking. LOL
  4. The new Jadeveon Clowney. I know we're desperate but don't do this.
  5. Because another team valued him more. Talk about scheme all you want but I very seriously doubt Luvu left money on the table to sign with the Commanders. We valued offensive guards more. A LOT more.
  6. Gotta make tough decisions when you to pay OGs like LTs because your QB is 5'8".
  7. Let Luvu walk thinking we could upgrade and we're probably gonna end up with a significant downgrade.
  8. Ah, they'll all use the same price fixing program like they're doing in a lot of rental housing markets. People have to have a place to live though, they don't have to eat at restaurants. I hope they take an absolute bath for this.
  9. I'd say to break out the paper bags but it's not like there's any Panthers fans showing up at BOA anyway at this point.
  10. We're probably gonna go from an awful team with decent defense and the worst offense in the NFL to an awful team with mediocre offense and the worst defense in the NFL.
  11. We might just do a total flop flop. Go from a two win team with a middle of the pack D and the worst offense in the league to a two win team with a middle of the pack offense and the worst D in the league.
  12. I'd trade him before I benched him and with two big money OGs now it's LT or bust.
  13. fug it. We've already gutted the D. Just go all in at this point. I want no more Bryce excuses.
  14. Michael Jordan is the GOAT and proved to have an atrocious eye for talent. Just two completely different skill sets.
  15. I think they believe he's still salvageable at LT. I hope they're right because Lord knows this roster already has plenty of holes.
  16. There's no way I pull the trigger on that Burns trade this early for that little in return. Do them like the Jets did us with Darnold. You know they want him, make them sweat. Make them negotiate against themselves. You're not gonna end up coming away with LESS than a 2nd and 5th. Honestly, Tepper's quick trigger finger on firings hurts us strategically. Everyone is thinking about NOW because there's no guarantee you have a job tomorrow much less next year. Oh, you're offering me a 1st next year? Hell, I'd rather have a 5th this year. I think I'll at least be able to make that pick.
  17. The only reason we weren't getting blasted every Sunday last year is because our D was at least decent enough to keep us from getting utterly embarrassed every week. It looks like we're about to be like Vandy in the SEC this season. Just hopeless and everybody knows it.
  18. Honestly, it kinda feels like Morgan is just getting setup to be the fall guy. Come in here and clear out a bunch of mess, make the unpopular move of giving Burns away for little return, pay some OGs like LTs because our super processor is 5'8" and then I'll throw you under the bus and rage fire you when we're 0-6. Just seems like the way Tepper works.
  19. Planning your draft out to force picks by position always works well. Dave, do you think you'll draft a corner?
  20. Yep. If you have a high level of physical talent and can spin it in practice and you're a good guy in the locker room like by coaches, other players, and front office types you're probably gonna end up banking a lot of money even if you're completely terrible every time you actually step into the field on a Sunday. They're the NFL equivalent of that ass kissing corporate middle management ladder climber who everyone knows brings nothing to the table but somehow they just hang around and fail upward anyway.
  21. Imagine being as bad at something as Sam Darnold is at NFL QBing and it still being worth $10M a year.
  22. They still think he's a LT. Just gonna have to hope last year was a bump in the road in his career because opposing edge rushers sure treated him like a speed bump.
  23. The Seahawks traded Frank Clark and a 3rd to the Chiefs in 2019 for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round picks.
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