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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That would be shocking. I think what he really needs is a good super processor. In reality, they're definitely going WR at #5 and they might even double dip. They'll probably draft Blake Corum in the 3rd. Keep an eye on OSU TE Cade Stover. I think he's pretty underrated by the mock drafters.
  2. That's how you setup a young QB for success. Man, we sure did set them up nice. If they blow it it's on them because they have a great opportunity to go from one of the worst to one of the best over the next year or two.
  3. Oh, he'll be thumping his chest again soon. Just wait until we draft some future Wal-Mart cashiers in the upcoming draft that he's convinced are All-Pros.
  4. Completely different organization now. In terms of my least desired NFL cities Washington would be top 5.
  5. It's lying season. They just wanna see if the Pats really want Daniels. I'm just not certain they want a QB at #3, period. It's baffling really. Or maybe they're putting out bullshit? Who knows? We'll here 1000 rumors between now and draft day and 995 of them will be pure bullshit.
  6. Williams #1, Drake #2, I'm honestly not certain the Pats go QB at #3. They should, I'm just not certain they do.
  7. Heels might have a 2 already, shot at the 4th #1.
  8. I'm to the point where nothing short of watching this team win games that matter on Sundays is gonna excite me. Trading up to #1 overall just to watch our guy flounder while the #2 pick had one of the better rookie seasons ever used up the last bit of the hopium I had left in my tank.
  9. We still need another vet body. Honestly not interested in Clowney unless he's willing to take a cheap hometown discount deal. He's just not that good and he's fragile. He might be trying to leverage making it through a season and having 9.5 sacks (behind a DOMINANT DL) into another payday though. Hope we don't take that bait.
  10. It's true. College basketball popularity has fallen off so hard from when I was growing up in the '80s and '90s. College basketball RAN poo in NC back then. We would literally watch the ACC tournament IN CLASS. Carolina vs. duke days might as well have been a national holiday.
  11. He just had to get his poo together for a minute. Got a little to gacked out on that Colombian marching powder, had to regroup.
  12. It blows my mind how some guys just get opportunity after opportunity after opportunity despite being terrible. It's like front office types liked them as prospects, thought they were going to be good, they look like players, they have the measurables of players, this guy should be a player. So they just get chance after chance after chance because they just won't let reality unseat their prior opinion. We're kinda seeing it with Bryce right now. The jury is still out they say. If Bryce had been treated like practically every other QB prospect where they get nitpicked to death leading up to the draft the narrative would've been littered with questions about his size about his arm talent, etc. But it was just brushed aside. I've never seen so many red flags just get brushed aside because people had convinced themselves that a guy was special.
  13. Hang on, I re-read this. At first I was reading it as a defense of the initial value chart the other poster used that was wildly off what we see on reality. That was confusing because I was reading it like... I mean, they're basically saying the same thing I am so how in the hell are they defending the idiocy in that other draft value chart??? lol Draft value charts are rough estimates. Nothing more, nothing less. The standard chart is the standard because year over year it's usually in the ballpark. Likely because most teams are using it as a guideline.
  14. I've spent a decent amount of time in your area. Used to have a major distributor based in Spokane and several key accounts in western Montana. I'd always either fly into Spokane or Billings and out the other hitting Missoula, Helena, Bozeman, and Kalispell in between. Made the haul out to Dry Falls once just to see it because my flight left in the mid-afternoon and I'd already wrapped up everything I needed to do. Cool thing to see but not the best of drives between there and Spokane. Reminds me of southern Idaho. That drive between Boise and Pocatello is BRUTAL.
  15. I like the tip of the Olympic Peninsula up around Sequim. And I like eastern Washington. The I-5 corridor... just ugh
  16. We need bodies. I just hope it's not a big money deal.
  17. He's honestly just had more opportunity. They're pretty much the same guy.
  18. I hate that town. Maybe even more than DC.
  19. Y'all, the actual pick differential value is the equivalent of a mid-4th. That chart the other poster used was created by PFF analysts. LOL
  20. I don't know if the math per that chart value is correct but if it is it's safe to just disregard that value chart moving forward. In no universe would you be able to trade 102 + 179 + 199 for 78 and 152. Using the standard trade chart you'd land at a 70ish point difference, the equivalent of a mid-4th. *Okay, went and looked at that draft value chart and didn't bother doing the math because the chart is laughably absurd. According to that chart you could trade up from #32 to #22 in the 1st round simply by tossing in the last pick of the draft. It wildly overvalues late round picks. That chart is trash.
  21. You knew he was gonna be traded as soon as they signed Mariota. Most pegged his trade value as "at least" a 4th. No clue how the trade pick value works out on that swap. Feels like the Commanders kinda got hosed though.
  22. I feel for her. She should do what I've done every time I've found myself in a sales role with a shitty product or shitty company behind a product - find a new job. It'll suck the soul out of you sticking around.
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