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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. A handful of delusionally optimistic fans doesn't mean much. Honestly, if we field a defense in the top half of the league I'll consider it a decent performance. If we flirt with the top 10 I'll be very pleased with the D. Anything more would obviously be welcomed but would be wildly outperforming reasonable expectations IMO. As for the offense... hell, anything that isn't isn't bottom 10 in the league has to be considered decent considering last year. Approaching average would be wildly outperforming reasonable expectations IMO.
  2. I honestly don't think our defense has been "hyped". It's just been better than we expected when we all pretty much anticipated an all-time terrible D in Rhule and Snow's first year and the D was just run of the mill below average. Then there's the juxtaposition with the offense which has just been an outright unmitigated disaster and while the D has made improvements the offense has just continued to get worse. Now I acknowledge that our D might actually be pretty bad in reality if teams actually had to go out there and try to put up points against us.
  3. I don't think really good DBs with really good measurables are ever going to be obsolete.
  4. Pretty low IMO. Once we start losing again nagging injuries will keep him on the shelf. No need to keep playing when you have all that guaranteed money if you're not competing. Gotta do it for the 'gram!
  5. Because Rhule. He's been searching for that right veteran bandaid ever since he was hired. He still doesn't understand that these guys are available relatively cheaply for a reason.
  6. When you've won 15 games over the past three seasons combined... yeah, the atmosphere is gonna be lacking.
  7. The "Tepper Effect". I mean, it's kind of expected when a new owner immediately ushers in the worst period of losing in franchise history.
  8. I'm mainly talking about the staff and the QB situation. You need two factors on the field to be competitive - a coach and a QB. Those are the two MUST HAVES. You can find elite teams with weaknesses at virtually every other position group but you gotta have a QB and if you aren't strong virtually everywhere else then you better have a HC too.
  9. I just assumed they had Darnold out there actively throwing to DBs.
  10. I hope you're right. I just very seriously doubt it. When you're coming off of three straight five win seasons it's hard to muster up much enthusiasm without an exciting new coaching staff and/or a new elite QB prospect or FA addition. We have neither. Same crew with some bandaids slapped on. Sorry, McAdoo doesn't excite me even a little bit. Probably gonna yield similar if not identical results.
  11. It's Mike Shula all over again except worse. Just zero ability to make adjustments.
  12. This is the big problem with both of Rhule's seasons. No one had super high expectations, but we looked pretty good early on in both but the more we played the worse we looked. That's the opposite of what you want to see out of a rebuilding team. Rhule just doesn't have the chops as an NFL coach. The rest of the league figures out what he's trying to do pretty quickly and he has nothing left once they do.
  13. Hell, I left Colorado almost two years ago because it was already to the point that staying felt financially irresponsible and it's way more expensive now than it was even then.
  14. You can get great replica mounts these days with a pic and some basic measurements.
  15. Probably 5-12 again. I'd be surprised if we win more than 7.
  16. Hey, if you want a pill popping bounty issuing coach, that's on you. But all the poo we've talked about the Saints goes out the window if we hire the conductor of the orchestra.
  17. Welp, here it is. Surely this is rock fuging bottom, right? I mean, we have Panthers fans giddy that we're rumored to be interested in hiring our archenemy. This would be like UNC hiring Coach K. Fug no. Hell fuging no. Make it stop.
  18. Jesus. So hard up at QB (and such a hard on for Temple) that we're now looking at college backup QBs? Oh wee mayne.
  19. So basically, Fitts just announced that if Corral is starting sooner rather than later then he really fuging sucks because Sam Darnold is terrible.
  20. I mean, when you've had three straight five win seasons what do you expect?
  21. https://www.businessinsider.com/wonderlic-test-can-predict-long-term-success-for-nfl-quarterbacks-2020-4 To quantify NFL success, we considered several measures, including — but not limited to — career passing yards, wins, and games started in the NFL. Of all the variables included in our regression models, only two were significantly and consistently associated with a quarterback's NFL success: whether he was a Heisman Trophy finalist and his Wonderlic score. That's concerning for Corral.
  22. Let's see it. A couple of anecdotal examples isn't a "study".
  23. LT was a lass rushing OLB. Totally different position.
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