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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It is impossible not to contribute to oil companies in some manner in today's environment. That's just reality. But there's a big difference between that and being an active stockholder. You can't with any shred of intellectual honesty claim to give a single fug about the environment while holding big oil stock in the same way that you can't claim to give a single fug about improving our broken healthcare system while holding big pharma stocks.
  2. We're probably already in a housing bubble. I don't see the harm in throwing an '09 style mortgage crisis on the bonfire.
  3. Won't surprise me. This administration has low key been a fuging disaster domestically.
  4. The world would be auch better place if everyone followed that model. I have a Tesla driving solar powered home greenie to the core buddy who was bragging about the money he'd made trading big oil stocks. I'm like, wait... WHAT?! He absolutely could not comprehend that buy owning the stocks he's complicit.
  5. I love how people will bitch about big oil, pharma giants and other predatory types of big business but then they'll own the stock. I've always despised the hypocrisy of acting as if your hands are clean when you're holding the stock. "I'm just an investor, I don't support the company." Nope. Doesn't work like that. If you own the stock, you're complicit. Period. I'll hop off my soapbox now.
  6. Darnold may be smart and just not see the field like a QB. Corral may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but my have a good football mind. We'll see.
  7. Yep. I mean, there are plenty of people with talents at something that makes good money that suck it up and do it for the check. Pro sports provide one helluva check.
  8. I think the roster is moving the right direction but as long as Rhule is the head coach I'm going to remain unconvinced that the overall organization is headed in the right direction. The guy has just shown zero signs that he can be a competent NFL coach, much less an actual good one.
  9. I'd value Tepper's opinion one helluva lot more on this matter than I would on literally anything related to football.
  10. Well, to be fair his Wonderlic score suggests he might have a room temperature IQ so there's that to consider as well.
  11. Hey yo, am I gonna be married to baby hands at QB?
  12. Speaking of fishing, the delayed harvest trout waters have been on fire recently. Only one more week until the worm dunkers and corn chuckers get to have at it. Caught close to 20 this morning. Stopped counting around 8 or 9 but caught about that many more. I was catching some big fish about a month ago. Landed an 18"er and a 22"er the first Saturday in May. Nothing big in recent weeks but still catching a LOT.
  13. I was against trading him simply because his value with a huge contract and two injury riddled years is probably extremely low. Better off keeping him and hoping he gets over it.
  14. I don't. I'm simply taking a non-homer view of this. You're just a blind homer. It's fine. If we traded him you'd be celebrating and spiking the football about how we ripped some team off trading them damaged goods because that's the homer take.
  15. Yeah, not what I'm saying at all. But you do you.
  16. Pretty telling that of all the awful things Snyder has done, withholding what essentially amounts to pennies on the dollar from the other owners will be the bridge too far. All these folks care about is $$$.
  17. What would you be saying if he wasn't a Panther? Take your fan girl glasses off. That's all I'm saying. It's very possible the Panthers actually handled his situation intelligently given that we weren't a competitive team and CMC is our biggest cap investment. That would certainly be a departure from how we've handled these situations in the past, but honestly a welcome one. It's also quite possible that CMC got paid and decided he's no longer putting his body on the line for a team that isn't competing. And honestly? Hell, I don't have a problem with it. If you get yourself banged up and compromised with injuries you'll get thrown out like yesterday's trash so you have to protect yourself. But I'm also not going to do mental gymnastics to try to convince myself that he's doing everything possible to be out there in the field when there's a pretty legit pile of info suggesting otherwise.
  18. Two thirds of games missed since ink to paper. Zero classic "season ending" injuries. Keep doing mental gymnastics if you need. I'll be resting these MCL-less knees after a hard morning of hiking basking in my ignorance of soft tissue injuries.
  19. All of his injuries have been of the soft tissue, non-severe (not full tears) variety. What bold claims am I making? I'm not saying he IS soft or OS gaming the system I'm just saying that he might be and there are legit signs that point to that possibly being the case. Take off your fan girl glasses and relaxed you'd be mocking the hell out of a rival if they had a guy who played like an iron man before getting an all-time contract and then all of a sudden started missing two thirds of the games with injuries that generally don't require a ton of missed time. Hell, I don't blame CMC either way. I doubt I'd be all that inclined to go out there and take a pounding for a shitty team once I had my generational wealth contract in hand either. It is what it is.
  20. He played in 48 of a possible 48 games before his big new contract. Since then he's played in 10 of a possible 33. I definitely agree with pulling him out of the lineup when we're mathematically eliminated. As for the staff decision, players know what to say with soft tissue injuries if they want to get clearance to play... they also know what to say when they don't want to get clearance to play. Especially guys whose fathers had long NFL careers. For the record, I don't blame CMC if he's gaming the system. But I do think there's a pretty decent chance that he's gaming the system.
  21. Disrespectful comments get disrespectful replies. And your comment got you nothing more than getting served up what you deserved. No ban. Not even a warning. If we do, bring mom!
  22. Now that you mention it, I did lose your mom's number. Hit me back with it. Thanks!
  23. I have empathy for the guys who have suffered severe injuries. Or the guys who bust their ass and just aren't good enough... or the average Joe dealing with soaring inflation and stagnating wages. But the reality is that CMC has missed an inordinate amount of time with relatively minor injuries in terms of NFL injuries and all if it has come after signing what was at the time the richest RB contract in NFL history.
  24. He's missed TONS of time with minor injuries. The type of injuries players routinely play through. Listen, I get it. We suck and there's really no point in him playing through nagging injuries risking further injury when he already has his contract. I don't blame him. But does he really want to play football? If he does and really wants to compete then demand a trade and try to force your way to a contender. If he doesn't, then just keep doing what you're doing. Milk that first minor injury all the way to the IR list and cash those checks and Instagram it up.
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