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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. No. I'm saying that teams really don't care about listed weights and when key players show up overweight the number that eventually comes out is likely significantly south of the actual weight. Anyone who thinks Jenkins didn't tickle four bills wasn't paying attention. The dude got HUGE yet I never saw the Panthers as an organization ever admit it and why would they? What's the competitive benefit? These aren't professional fighters. They're not having to hit a weight limit where they're stepping on the scale in a televised setting. If the Cardinals are admitting Jones showed up at 280, the actual number was probably higher.
  2. Slow as in he was never 280... except for when he showed up to camp at 280. If they're admitting he was 280 he was probably pushing three bills. I don't think the Panthers ever acknowledged Jenkins ever getting north of 360.
  3. Say that again but slowly next time.
  4. A lot of times players weights never get updated through their careers. Jenkins was always 330 even when he was tipping over golf carts at four bills. Smitty was always listed at 185 even though he was quite obviously in the 200 range based on his clear weight gain from his rookie season. The Cardinals have admitted he's been as high as 280... which probably means he's flirted with 300.
  5. Yep. He could spin a tale when first hired but he definitely started sounding shook last year. Stumbling, bumbling, stuttering, and trying to smile his way through while his mind was racing to come up with the right bullshit.
  6. I would have had Brian Burns binge watching Jason Taylor game film this off-season like it was the latest hot Netflix series. He's built like him and has a similar physical tool set. The ideal version of Brian Burns looks a lot like Jason Taylor.
  7. We'll see. I'll start coming around on Rhule when we see results on the field. We all know he can talk a good game. Hell, he talked Tepper into giving him a record setting contract and full control despite have very minimal NFL experience. The guy can TALK. I need to see that he can COACH.
  8. I'm encouraged by this. Letting his weight creep up is what ended Kris Jenkins' career. 330 became 340 became 350 became probably 400 became busted knees with gravy pouring out but we always listed him at 330. Jenkins was 318 at the Combine. Brown was 326.
  9. I can't see them taking on Darnold. If we actually think Corral is the future I'd stay away from Baker's toxicity. You can be toxic IF you're elite.
  10. We had what started out as a civil conversation before you did what you always do and took a difference in opinion personally. You just can't help yourself.
  11. Where is your opinion being censored? I just don't think you're honest with yourself about your conduct here. Every post you make is seeking a fight and in those fights, yeah... you're alone. It's not a "cult of negativity". It's people seeing that your only purpose here is to seek out personal spats with anyone with an opinion that differs from your own. It's not healthy, man. And you're getting worse.
  12. No one is buying it that as you continually embark on your one man crusade against any differing opinion.
  13. Seems to be impacting your mental health. Take a break, man.
  14. Honestly man, you might wanna just take a break. Any opinion that isn't glowingly positive really triggers you. A forum for open discussion of football just isn't a good fit for you. You'd be a lot happier simply reading fluff prices for the Panthers' media team. That truly not meant to be a shot at you in any way. It's just an honest attempt to give you some decent advice.
  15. It all boils down to results. I like the philosophy. You should always tailor your scheme to best fit your talent IMO. Force fitting square pegs into round holes just isn't very inefficient. We'll see how it plays out.
  16. Mayfield is a reclamation project. He's gotta get out of Cleveland to start that. As soon as he's out he can come out and ah shucks it up and simply say that he was doing what he had to do to get himself out of the "Mistake by the Lake".
  17. Per numerous credible reports he would've already been traded if the Browns were willing to take on more of his salary. They're just not yet willing to accept the market price. Hence why if I was Mayfield I'd ratchet up the noise to force my way out. I mean, the rest of the league already knows he's toxic.
  18. Tepper promised us no more mediocrity. What we didn't realize is that what he meant by that is he was taking us straight to the NFL's basement. Never before had the Panthers had four consecutive losing seasons. Never before had the Panthers had four consecutive seasons of finishing 3rd or worse in their division. Enter David Tepper and an all new era. An all new era of previously unmatched futility.
  19. They shouldn't. But that's what I'd demand if I was on the Mayfield side. At this point, both sides just want a divorce. Force the issue. The Browns are just holding onto him at this point hoping a QB gets injured in camp changing the market. It's a long shot. The 4D chess move would be for Baker to come out and say how excited he is to suit up for the Browns again once Watson is suspended.
  20. Because he's not going to play under his current one because he doesn't want to be in Cleveland and the Browns don't want him in Cleveland either. This whole situation is caused by both sides of the equation massively overestimating Baker Mayfield's value to the rest of the NFL. The Browns really thought they were going to be able to trade him for a decent return. Hell, why wouldn't they after seeing what the Panthers gave up for the worst starting QB in recent memory? Baker thought he'd have multiple suitors and basically end up being able to pick his landing spot. Now here they both sit looking like the dumbasses that they are.
  21. You think the Browns are going to leave all that cap space on the sidelines? He's not Deshaun Watson with massive trade value. He's a guy they're struggling to give away on the trade market. Mayfield will end up traded with the Browns paying nearly all of his salary or he'll end up getting released.
  22. The Panthers might be a poo show, but the Browns repeatedly remind everyone why they're the Browns. These guys find a way to bungle everything in the most hilarious manner possible. Honestly, if I'm Mayfield I'm telling them they have two choices - release me or give me a one year contract equivalent to the franchise tag value. He has Cleveland by the balls.
  23. He looks more like an aging career minor leaguer still trying to make it than a rookie.
  24. If I had a talented young secondary that I wanted to inject with some swag in the way of gift wrapped INT balls in camp think I'd sign him. Wait a minute... that's us! maybe it's some real 4D chess that he's still on the roster...
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