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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. David Tepper: "Mediocrity will not be tolerated" The part he muttered under his breath that the press didn't catch: "it will be remembered as the good old days"
  2. Hell, they all look awesome at home. Yeah, that TV that's 5x the price might look better in the store side by side but guess what? That TV that's 5x the price won't be right beside my budget TV in my den.
  3. Here's the thing about any GoFundMe or whatever... if you don't like it and don't want to donate, just don't. I mean, there are people who donate money to fuging politicians.
  4. Maybe, we'll see. Burrow takes most of that punishment because Cincy's OL has been low key damn near as bad as ours and yet he's still elite. Herbert has crazy talent and may have the better career when all is said and done but if I was holding Burrow I wouldn't trade him for anyone else.
  5. Yeah, I'd have Burrow #1 for sure. Not to discount Herbert and Jackson but Cincy going to the SB was nuts. Hell, Borrow and Chase might should've been #1 and #2.
  6. Translation: it's all coach speak bullshit littered with clichés.
  7. I didn't say they would. I said "if". It's certainly possible that some of those folks employed on that project end up getting laid off in cutbacks due to that project being cancelled. The one thing that stays constant in "it's just business" is that poo rolls downhill and "it's just business" only gets said by folks trying to feel better about themselves when knowingly fuging over others. You literally embody MBA brain rot. It creates a really fuged up system of values because it only values immediate short term profit and executive compensation. It's why wages have stagnated for decades. It's why the wealth divide grows by the day. It's why so much of our production capabilities have been offshored. It's why executives cash huge bonus checks while the rank and file gets laid off in "restructures" that sometimes don't even cover those bonus checks.
  8. Holy poo... My sister in law has an 8 year old son. Her husband is trying to live vicariously through this kid. He was never the cool jock and he desperately wants this kid to be that. Everything revolves around this kid's baseball. He's homeschooled because school schedule was getting in the way of his baseball schedule. He does ninja training to improve his balance and core strength for baseball. He's on every travel team he can be on. He has ninja, baseball practice, baseball clinics, or baseball games everyday. He's on a specific baseball diet. Dad gets excited because the kid gets "invited" to all these clinics and travel teams with no realization that it's simply to get money out of them. Baseball, baseball, baseball. Everything else is an afterthought. Meanwhile, the kid is ADHD as fug and an absolute brat because he gets everything he wants. I've watched dad repeatedly tell him this week "If you want to be a professional baseball player you have to..." while laughing off any and all of mom's efforts to correct behaviours. The sad part is that the kid is a very average athlete. He's not one of the better players on any of his teams. They're really fuging this kid up. They're setting him up for abysmal disappointment. Well, it's dad but mom won't stand up to any of it even though she understands all of this. Once he gets to middle school and kids that didn't have this huge push from their parents actually start picking up sports in school and blow by him in a matter of months because they have real talent I'm afraid it's just going to be an absolute shock to him and dad is going to put it all on him for not working hard enough. It's crazy to watch. Dad is controlling as fug and likely has undiagnosed Asperger's. Mom just folds and goes along with everything because she's too busy being the primary bread winner and isn't willing to deal with dad's bullshit. It's wild to watch and just sad. Anyway... basically just venting.
  9. The deck is stacked like a mother fuger for the wealthy. It has been for a long, long time. Hence our current ever increasing wealth divide.
  10. Because of wage laws. But those contracted companies took it in the shorts. And some of those "working men" might get hosed if it causes those companies to go belly up or endure some cutbacks to make up for the pantsing they took. Why? Because poo runs down hill. "Trickle down" didn't work out so well but poo still runs down hill.
  11. Same. You gotta draft well and have decent coaching to drag yourself out of the basement because the decent free agents aren't coming unless you're overpaying.
  12. Oh, we aren't getting to that point. That's been our reality forever. One of the primary reasons that we have been so up and down historically is because we have historically drafted really poorly overall.
  13. It's interesting that evidently we also had him doing some work at center in OTAs. I think we're going to give the guy every opportunity to either be a starter or maybe be treated as the 6th man of the OL. Have him ready to plug in at any spot on the event that someone goes down with an injury that will keep them out for significant time. I don't think he'd be the primary backup at every spot on game days but have him ready to go after a week of practice to prepare.
  14. I wouldn't be shocked if his role is ultimately as a quality backup swing tackle. And honestly? That's worth a 3rd round pick IMO. God knows this fanbase should well understand the need for quality OT play with some serviceable depth on the roster. I'm just not sold on him transitioning to OG but we'll see. His skill set just seems better suited at OT even though his height/weight/length measurables scream OG.
  15. Bottom line? poo rolls downhill. Big guy gets to hedge his bets and protect his wealth. The guys working for him get to eat poo and take the loss. American "capitalism" in a nutshell. It's just socialism for the wealthy with clever marketing.
  16. I thought he was well worth the risk in the 6th round, but yeah... it takes some significant red flags for a guy who was that dominant at the highest level of college football to be available in the 6th round.
  17. This is business as usual for the wealthy. This was always one of Trump's favorite business ploys.
  18. At the very least they should provide included unlimited alcohol for any and all PSL holders. It's needed to endure the product on the field. They may need to start lobbying the state of NC for Oregon style legalization of drugs to continue being able to provide the necessary coping mechanisms.
  19. He better hope another mod has more of a heart. (Spoiler alert: they don't)
  20. MJ and Tepper have one thing in common - the vast majority of folks realize they're terrible sports franchise owners.
  21. It's the dregs of the off-season. The team media has to have something to write about. Reminding folks of the former top 10 pick who was promising as a rookie and had a down season last year is the type of stuff you see this time of year.
  22. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think Smitty ever weighed 185 again after the Combine, but he was always listed at 185. It's a non-issue as long as you play well and aren't noticeably sloppy fat.
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