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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Went from 1 to 5. This move at least makes thinks interesting. Total boom or bust. Baker will resurrect his career or crash and burn. His inability to bite his tongue will provide highlight reel entertainment either way.
  2. I hope he comes into the season motivated as hell. Meanwhile, I think he might actually be the real life version of Loc Dog from Don't be a Menace.
  3. Beautiful sunset after the storm. God I love living out where my nearest neighbors are deer and turkey and I can't see another house. I loved my 14 years in Colorado, but I bailed to get this elbow room.
  4. Honestly, it seems like the $EC and Big 10 are basically trying to recreate the NFL in college football. It wouldn't shock me for both to go for 20 teams, create a 4 team playoff for the conference championship then have those two teams play for the national championship. They become the de facto college versions of the NFC and AFC. I think you'll see some legacy programs get the boot (Vanderbilt and Northwestern being two obvious candidates) and replaced by better football programs (Notre Dame and Clemson being two obvious candidates). At that point, everyone else might as well go to D1AA or whatever the hell they call that these days. With the structure of the NCAA basketball tournament, I think the landscape of determining the basketball national championship would be relatively unaffected.
  5. I do wonder if they're going to kill the golden goose though. The Alabama's of the world will be fine. There's no pro sports anywhere around. It's all those people have. But at some point if they just keep turning college sports into what basically amounts to a semi-pro league it's going to eventually turn fans off. College basketball is already a shadow of itself from it's heyday. Football is doing fine but that's primarily because America just fuging lives football. I don't know, the landscape is changing extremely rapidly.
  6. state fans need not worry. The NC legislature will probably force UNC to bring along it's idiotic little shithead stepbrother wherever they go.
  7. I don't really care. I'm a UNC fan. As far as I'm concerned the other schools field teams just to give us someone to play.
  8. How many times have you been banned at this point?
  9. If you think more than 5% of conspiracy theories prove true then you definitely have conspiracy brain. 5% is likely very generous.
  10. Yeah, that's what people like Alex Jones say when they're slinging mud at the wall like a meth fueled chimp. The vast majority of conspiracy theories are complete BS but inevitably a small percentage will end up being at least partially true. The problem with conspiracy brain is latching onto all of them and then spiking the football when the blind squirrel finds a nut. It's be like bragging about going 1 for 20 from the free throw line. Yeah, you made a free throw but my god you shot 5%.
  11. Conspiracy brain is real and it doesn't make you smart.
  12. I wouldn't call indulging from time to time being a "cokehead".
  13. Most of it is made in China but Mexico is ramping up.
  14. There's a lot of fake pharmaceuticals out there too. Don't buy those things off the street. It very well may not have played a role in this case but pain killer addiction is low key a serious issue in football. Football is hell on the body and a lot of these guys end up with problems trying to play through the pain. Brett Favre was probably the most high profile case.
  15. He probably bought fake pills off the street.
  16. I wouldn't do anything off the street right now. Wanna smoke weed? Grow it. Wanna trip? Grow mushrooms. Wanna rail a line? Go lie to a doctor and get you an Adderall prescription.
  17. I don't think it's fair to act like Bene just fell off a cliff because he turned out not to be good. That injury ruined him.
  18. There's an even bigger problem lurking further north. The Cascadia Subduction Zone. When that thing pops it's pretty much game over for the entire coastal Pacific Northwest. Portland, Seattle, Vancouver. They're basically washed off the map.
  19. We're already on a three way. Tepper and Rhule are straight raw digging us.
  20. I honestly can't imagine still thinking Darnold might be the answer as an NFL starting QB. That's a complete disconnect from reality.
  21. As long as we suck at QB we're going to be connected with virtually every QB available. Just the way it is.
  22. If we're going to do it let's just get it over with and do it because this is starting to feel like the Watson saga version 2.0.
  23. The Observer is trash but business is business. Yeah, all things being equal I'd rather cover a team I'm a fan of, but offer me significantly more money and a better professional opportunity to cover another team and I'm gonna be gone. Just the way it is. If you're an engineer who grew up a Ford fan and go to work for them but GM offers you 50% more to work for them you'd be crazy to turn it down.
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