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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I honestly think they might be hoping some desperate team will offer them something for Darnold. What they don't realize is that we were that desperate team and the Jets already cashed that check.
  2. Yeah, Darnold is proven trash at this point. He should be competing with Corral for the #2 spot and for a roster spot in general.
  3. Dude landed in a bad spot. Coach on the hot seat. His best bet is for us to be bad and get a shot late in the season and show promise.
  4. If he struggles the next staff will probably want to bring in their own guy.
  5. I like Corral's potential but I do think he needs a year of clipboard holding.
  6. I say they're overrated because what you do on field is most important. The workouts check the box. When the workouts raise questions it warrants more scrutiny on how that prospect will translate athletically. We also see every year guys getting overdrafted because they perform exceptionally well in the underwear Olympics and that makes folks overlook the reality that they aren't very good on the football field.
  7. It was YOUR ARGUMENT. You set the terms. Your terms were trash. You mocked the existence of recency bias on search algorithms which is fuging absurd. Now you're continuing to completely talk out of your ass. This is why no one on this site takes your and your opinions seriously. You don't even seemingly take yourself seriously.
  8. Got it. You're willing to remain willfully ignorant to adhere to your biases. You named your search terms. Those were certainly not the "right" terms to avoid the inherent recency biases in the Google algorithm that you mocked even existed. Just stop, man. You're making an ass of yourself.
  9. Are you serious? If you had any clue you'd realize what a dumb road your going down right now. If you actually care, just Google "Google Freshness".
  10. You mean there's more recent discussion of the arm talent of a recently drafted QB than a QB drafted four years ago? Wow! What other ground breaking news do you have for me? Do you have even a rudimentary understanding of how internet search results work?
  11. I like Corral. He was my second favorite QB in the draft. But his arm strength isn't special. His quickness of release is. But suggesting he has a better arm than Mayfield is just not accurate. He has a quicker release but he can't throw with the velocity or distance that Mayfield can. Hell, in terms of pure arm strength he probably had the 4th best arm in this weak QB draft class.
  12. You'll cherry pick the opinions that fit your narrative, even if they're in the significant minority.
  13. Six games. So you can sexually assault four women per game of suspension. That is unless there's a bulk rate discount that Watson took advantage of.
  14. The combine and workouts are overrated in a lot of ways but Hamilton's workouts raised some major red flags in terms of how his athleticism would translate to the NFL, particularly when you're spending a high 1st round pick on him.
  15. Sure. "Call" me on it. I don't think you'll find many who agree with you. Fan boy if you want, that's cool. Baker has been a disappointment but the dude has a helluva arm. Do you think Jamarcus Russell and Jeff George didn't have great arms because they were flops?
  16. 8 sacks in three seasons. 14 tackles and 1.5 sacks last year. Yeah, I'd say he's very solidly in the bust category at this point.
  17. Corral's arm isn't bad but he and Baker don't have similar arms. Baker has significantly better arm talent.
  18. It's ironic how you categorize other people as fanboys while seemingly so blind to your own. It's pretty annoying to be honest.
  19. Wild. I thought he was gonna be a stud. It's why I pay no mind to all the "sure thing" or "plug and play starter" or "10 year starter" or "future All-Pro" stuff we hear thrown around about prospects leading up to every draft. Sometimes even the guys who have all the measurables and all the production still bust. There are going to be busts and steals every draft.
  20. 13 posts and all you've done is post Packers stuff and troll anyone discussing anything else. Honestly, if you were just posting Packers stuff on this thread, cool. But we've seen no shortage of posters like you before and we know how it always ends so I think we'll call 13 posts enough.
  21. What about the commissioner's exempt list? I'm guessing the Browns may have already communicated that they won't just sit back and quietly take it like JR did with Hardy.
  22. Watson had what 24 accusers? Let's say he gets 8 games. Does that mean another player can sexually assault up to three women before he gets a single game suspension? I mean, we've basically established a one game per three women assaulted precedent at that point, right?
  23. If we deny our starter the lions share of the starting reps in camp and preseason in order to try to catch our week one opponent off guard with our starting QB choice then that will be incredibly idiotic... which would unfortunately be very on brand for Matt Rhule.
  24. I'm fine with this little farce of a competition as long we name Baker the starter soon so that he can get all the starter reps.
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