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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I've always slept ony side but as I've gotten older it's causing my arms to fall asleep at night. Sometimes I wake up with what feels like just a hunk of dead meat hanging off my shoulder. Not cool. As long as I can avoid having my arm under my head as I doze off I'm good. But if I fall asleep with my arm under my head it's go dead.
  2. Well, at least he earned all of that flag.
  3. Big mistake by Allen. That ball was late and behind. Dude was open. What's the NFL record for most turnovers in a single game?
  4. Cooper Kupp is fuging GREAT. The guy has completely mediocre measurables and yet he's the best WR in football.
  5. They got really lucky to pick that one up. That was an awful throw by Stafford. You can't have a guy have to turn around and hit a knee to catch a screen.
  6. And Stafford immediately throws a pick.
  7. The Bills writing the book on how to end up losing a game you're dominating on the stat sheet. Just turn the ball over constantly! But if the Rams can't get any points off of two early turnovers... well, they're gonna get wrecked.
  8. That was the type of break the Rams needed. Dude caught the ball and then literally just handed it to the Rams.
  9. The Rams better start playing a lot better pretty quick because the Bills are just doing whatever they want right now on both sides of the ball.
  10. Josh Allen is closer to prime Cam Newton than I ever thought I'd see anyone be in my lifetime.
  11. Finding a kid Panthers fan and handing him/her the ball with a big old grin is a Cam tradition that should never die.
  12. I generally shy away from electrical unless it's very basic stuff. Replacing fixtures, stuff like that. If it involves the panel I'm out. I'll call somebody for that. Plumbing? Yeah, I'll do that. PVC plumbing couldn't be easier. I just had to redo the condensation pipe and trap on my AC last week because it was leaking because it wasn't built correctly in the first place. From this: To this: It's still not technically correct. The pump should be lower than the trap but I was was going to have to completely rerun the pump hose to do that so I figured I'd fudge it and try it this way first to see if I could get by. I got a little carried away with the primer but whatever. It's in a utility closet downstairs in the den. I don't really care what it looks like.
  13. I do my own poo. But I built my first and last patio that week. Never again. Decks? Sure. Patios? Go fug yourself.
  14. I really hope Bozeman just isn't quite back to 100% and that Elflein starting is a very temporary solution because Pat Elflein sucks.
  15. Starting ahead of Henry Anderson? Who in the fug thought that Henry Anderson was going to start?
  16. We'll see. I'll start believing when we start winning again. I like some of our moves but I've liked moves that have flopped before.
  17. I don't think there's any organizational aspect of the Panthers that has earned any benefit of the doubt as of right now.
  18. At the end of the day I'm not gonna get bent out of shape about it. It all comes down to wins and losses. When you've sucked for awhile, everything gets nitpicked because it deserves to be. You've obviously been making more bad decisions that good to end up in this cesspool of suck. If we turn it around and win this year, no one will care about any of these bottom of the roster moves. If we don't, well we'll keep nitpicking all the bad decisions.
  19. Whoever rebuilds the front porch 15 years or so from now on my house I sold in CO is gonna poo themselves. I bought a realistic plastic skeleton and laid it under the decking when I rebuilt it. When they rip up that decking it's gonna look like they uncovered a murder victim.
  20. Imagine if we'd taken Blaine Gabbert like many wanted in 2011. That could've gone down as the worst draft class in the history of sports, period. Landing Cam was MASSIVE but the rest of the draft class was unbelievably bad.
  21. Sorry, I cannot see the Saints getting to the NFC CG with Jameis Winston at QB, especially without Sean Payton. Remember what the Saints were before Payton and Brees? They might be heading back there. I'm not saying that to talk poo. I full well know we basically currently reside there ourselves.
  22. It sure was fun. https://youtu.be/kSVC7_8OmV0 https://youtu.be/FmMgTMUrgEo
  23. Do you think he's anywhere close to the 23rd best TE in the league? I don't. I honestly doubt he would've gotten anywhere near that on the open market.
  24. Baker has the arm to go deep. Hopefully we'll see Robby return to 2020 form and hopefully pairing him with Mayfield will better take advantage of his best trait - going deep.
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