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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Good lord, you're still keeping up this charade. Just stop. This has only ever existed in your own head.
  2. Baker is inaccurate as fug. DJ was open. That wasn't even close.
  3. We have press man corners but our defense calls for them to play off zone. Nothing about this coaching staff fits our personnel.
  4. Chinn is a baller. Keep him close to the LOS and good things happen.
  5. I don't understand why McAdoo has taken the best pass catching RB in the league completely out of the passing game. In his effort to hire a "rock star" OC, Matt Rhule hired a guy whose offense absolutely does not fit our personnel at all.
  6. I'd trade that guy for literally anything I could get for him because the next staff is probably gonna cut him anyway.
  7. Designed play for Shenault but it was a bust. Baker has to throw that ball away. No point in taking a loss there. Here we are in 3rd and long... again. Whatya know, we failed. Typical.
  8. Oh look, when you give the ball to your best player good things happen.
  9. I'm gonna be honest, I'm gonna have a pretty quick trigger finger to flip over to the Bills/Dolphins.
  10. Well, right now he's fitting square pegs into round holes in the secondary.
  11. Because he said we have five guys we should absolutely hang onto? Every NFL roster has at least five core talent guys even if the overall team sucks ass.
  12. No it doesn't. They lost a deep FS. We're wasting Chinn playing him as a deep FS. He needs to be playing an in the box/short zone style SS like Kam Chancellor did in Seattle. He's basically a prototypical cover 3 strong safety. Plus, he's a talented young defender on a rookie contract. Those are the types of guys you keep to build around. The types of guys we need to be looking at moving are overpriced vets that are liabilities for us but could be contributors on a contender. Guys like CMC, Robby Anderson, etc. We need to be clearing cap and jettisoning guys who will age out before we're likely to be in a position to contend. We need to be hanging onto guys like Jeremy Chinn.
  13. We need to hire a new coach and let him build his own staff. If that means keeping some guys, fine. If it means firing everyone, that's fine too. Wilks isn't the right guy for this secondary though. We built a press man secondary and we have an off zone secondary coach. It's just a bad fit. Same is true on offense. Our personnel does not fit McAdoo's offense. Everything is just a poor fit of Rhule simply trying to hire guys with legit NFL experience for the sake of having NFL experience on his staff.
  14. Everyone expecting Rhule to be fired imminently needs to chill because they're setting themselves up for disappointment. He'll almost certainly be fired late in the season like Ron was. There's nothing to gain by firing him right now unless you're wanting to give an assistant a legit trial run to prove he's the guy for the future. Just not seeing that. This staff needs gutting.
  15. We aren't a "get right" landing spot. Not with this coaching staff and overall environment. More like a "cash your last checks and invest smartly" type of landing spot because your career wasn't over before it is now.
  16. You know why we reminisce about players like Cam and Luke and Greg Olsen and Jordan Gross and Smitty? Because we fuging suck complete ass and we had some success with those guys. We miss that success. Fans only reminisce on the off-season or when they fuging suck complete ass
  17. And he's been benched. This is gonna be interesting going forward.
  18. It's true. Giving a RB a big money contract is almost always a bad move. Draft them and let someone else pay them. Hindsight is always 2020 but imagine where we'd be as a franchise right now if we had taken Mahomes at #8 and say Calvin Cook at RB in the 2nd in that 2017 draft. Now obviously we weren't on the 1st round QB market then but again, hindsight being 20/20 and all that...
  19. Good for him. Seriously. Sometimes a guy just needs a change of scenery and a different system or a position change.
  20. Yes, we will. We'll either win the game (highly unlikely) or we'll be one more loss closer to firing Matt Rhule (almost certain). Either way, we win.
  21. I'm a total numbers geek. I actually enjoy analytics. It's not emotional for me. Numbers are what they are and it's fun to look at it. And it's fun to laugh at our staff when they show such blatant ignorance of it while acting like they're out-analyzing the rest of the league while losing 2.5 games for every 1 that they win.
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