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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That Wilks hopium didn't last long.
  2. On a positive note, the #1 overall pick looks fully within grasp.
  3. The shine is off Cooper Rush. Dak will be back next week.
  4. PJ is terrible. McAdoo is terrible. How anyone can find themselves surprised in the least that the product of the combination of the two is absolutely terrible is baffling. This is the only reasonable outcome.
  5. We've been terrible with terrible QB play his entire career. At some point you just mail it in. Especially as a WR where your success relies on everyone else. You need an OL to protect the QB and a QB to deliver the ball. You can do everything perfect yourself and still have it amount to nothing
  6. Diggs just flat out drops a ball and tries to beg for a flag. Allen takes a horrible sack and begs for a flag. The Bills need to just play and stop begging for flags to bail them out.
  7. Not now it doesn't. We need that #1 pick. We've sucked for years but never truly embraced the suck. It's time to embrace the suck. 2011 mode.
  8. Holy poo. Butker just hit a 62 yarder into the wind that would've been good from 70.
  9. This Bills OL is struggling mightily and Josh Allen looks rattled.
  10. Bills/Chiefs is not delivering. This is not the game I expected.
  11. If we trade CMC we're a lock for the #1 pick. I'll take #1 overall and the Bills' 1st rounder.
  12. Look at the QBs he's played with. How positive would you be working your ass off just to not be looked at or have the ball sprayed wildly in your general direction?
  13. Derrick Brown is becoming the player I expected him to be.
  14. You're arguing with the wrong guy. I'm saying what you're saying. I don't buy it. In a few months it's highly likely were cleaning house and hiring a new coach.
  15. What's stupid about it? All the top offenses are that way. With the way the game is called these days it's the most efficient way to move the ball. I you don't have a good QB then run the ball and play stall ball. But if you have a legit QB spread it out and make the other team try to match up and keep up.
  16. Yep. In these modern spread offenses when the other team blitzes the ball either has to come out immediately or you have to have the ability to make a guy miss or otherwise buy a little time. You're just not going to have enough blockers. You don't necessarily have to be a runner but the pocket statues have fallen out of favor.
  17. I think the truth is that we pretty much just suck. Maybe the team will rally around Wilks and put together a decent game or two or maybe they'll realize the white flag has been flown and mail it in as a team and just try to put the best individual film on tape that they can. If we get our asses kicked today it's gonna get really ugly down the stretch. If Wilks can't get the team to rally around him this will likely be the nail in the coffin for him ever getting another HC shot.
  18. When you have two of the best teams in the league scheduled for a non-divisional match up you gotta take advantage of that. No way that shouldn't have been the Sunday night or Monday night game. fug putting it on Thursday night. Those games almost always suck.
  19. As they should. How in the hell did the NFL not make that a primetime game? That was a serious scheduling mistake.
  20. I think CMC's likely value is somewhere around a 2nd round pick. Which is why I'd be trying to get a 1st out of the Bills. That pick is likely to be at or near the very bottom of the round. I'm treating their 1st like a 2nd and their 2nd like a 3rd. I need more than their 2nd. They need to sweeten that pot a little and not with a RB that I don't really want.
  21. Why would they? What's to gain for them? Honestly if I was in that organization at the time and was asked about it I would just say there were divided opinions within the organization and I can't really recall who was saying what. Lots of things get said in the discussions leading up to every draft. How am I supposed to recall specific positions held by people years ago? I got my own poo to deal with.
  22. How would you verify it? Of course anyone a part of that dumpster fire will claim that yes, Wilks wanted Allen or Lamar and so did I! McAdoo will undoubtedly claim that he wanted nothing to do with Baker and was actually lobbying for something entirely different.
  23. Not sure I buy it. Of course a coach is going to claim he didn't want the bust and actually wanted one of the guys who turned out really good. Also, criticizing teams for not trading up to get a guy isn't necessarily a legit criticism. Who's to say trading up was even an option? The Bills may not have been willing to come off that pick or at least not without an absolutely absurd asking price.
  24. I'll have our game on one TV and the Bills/Chiefs on the other. I'm not missing that game. Should be one of the best regular season games of the year.
  25. I don't think Schefter realizes the point he's making here. The point is don't pay RBs. Let them walk and draft another one.
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