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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I'd be bigger on Leggette if we didn't already have Mingo. Kinda like how it felt redundant when we drafted Funchess right after drafting KB. Maybe Leggette will end up a lot better but on paper he's VERY similar to Mingo.
  2. I mean, I won't be surprised if Leggette ends up being a 3rd rounder if we don't draft him at 33 or 39. Seems like he's a mid-3rd rounder for a lot of "analysts" and I do use that term loosely.
  3. We'll see whether or not there ends up being huge differences. Mingo was a fairly highly thought of prospect.
  4. Having #39 in our back pocket should make us fully willing to listen to offers since we're going to be sitting "on the clock" for a long time at #33.
  5. I'm not sure any TE has ever gotten more bang for the buck for his bank account as Ian Thomas has. He's the type of guy who should've been bouncing around the league trying to latch onto a roster as the 3rd TE and yet we've made him a wealthy man. Good for him but holy poo we're a dumb organization.
  6. The supporting cast didn't impact the arm talent. Yes, the supporting cast sucked and even a guy with a cannon wouldn't have had a high level of consistent success. But what we saw was a guy with a weak NFL arm. Yeah, he's have one of the best arms on the Huddle but that's really not at all relevant.
  7. We're just gonna have to hope he's better this year. I think you've completely deluded yourself on what you saw last year. I was wrong about Bryce. I've said it before. I had some concerns about his arm strength but I never dreamed it would be as bad as it was.
  8. His deep ball accuracy was terrible and I can't recall a single deep out he completed against good coverage. It's all relative, man. You're trying to make a really dumb argument here. Every QB in the NFL or on a college roster for that matter has a strong arm in comparison to the entire human population but that's not what we're talking about about here. We're talking about NFL QBs.
  9. Yeah, no one has tried to act like Dalton looked like Mahomes in that game. It's just evidence that we did have the opportunity to have a vertical threat in our offense with a QB who could threaten a defense vertically. Bryce only had 26 20+ yard attempts on 16 games. Multiple games with zero. If you can't threaten a defense vertically NFL offense gets really difficult. It's why red zone offense is hard. You literally can't threaten vertically because there's not enough field there. Everything gets condensed. Bryce condensed the whole field regardless of where we were. We only had one game where we saw a different QB out there and I'm that game we threatened down the field a lot more. It is what it is. Yeah, I would've liked to have seen more than one example simply to have a better idea of whether or not it was just a fluke.
  10. Yes, it would mean that he has a weak arm for an NFL QB. That's literally exactly what that would mean. On the bell curve of NFL QB arm strength is at or near the bottom of that curve. I simply haven't seen this evidence that he can "make all the throws". People keep saying that and then I watch him fail to make the throws. Something isn't adding up here.
  11. I haven't seen the evidence through 16 games. I mean, his deep ball completion rate in college was bad too.
  12. I'm sorry but this is just denying reality. I thought going into the draft that his arm was probably NFL average at best but probably below average. Like run of the mill below average. Not near bottom of the league. What I saw on the field was one of the weakest arms on an NFL roster. Why don't we try naming the QBs who took to an NFL field last year who showed a weaker arm.
  13. I'm sorry but this is just denying reality. I thought going into the draft that his arm was probably NFL average at best but probably below average. Like run of the mill below average. Not near bottom of the league. What I saw on the field was one of the weakest arms on an NFL roster. Why don't we try naming the QBs who took to an NFL field last year who showed a weaker arm.
  14. Brady and Montana had average arms. Burrow has an average arm. You can be elite without an elite arm. Bryce's arm isn't average. Sorry. I'm hard pressed to name another QB who took to an NFL field last year who showed a weaker arm. That's a lot to overcome.
  15. I'm fine with people still having hope in Bryce. I have very, VERY little left but hope is fine. Just don't gas light me with some bullshit about Bryce having a good NFL arm. I mean, just GTFO with that. We've seen 16 games of him floating dying ducks. Just give up on that already. Yes going to have to find a way to get it done with a subpar arm because that's what he's working with.
  16. I saw no evidence of Bryce having a "good" NFL arm. IMO, the "hot takes" is still latching onto these "arm angle" and "elasticity" talking points. Bryce has one of the weakest arms of any QB on an NFL roster. We saw backup after backup take the field around the league and show considerably more arm talent. That's just the reality. Can he overcome that? Time will tell.
  17. That was an amazing moment of candor. Yeah, this over the hill journeyman presents a unique threat that our #1 overall pick doesn't - namely being the size of an NFL QB and then vs. Seattle we also found out that our offense could actually present a vertical threat when our QB displayed the ability to throw a ball more than 20 yards in the air.
  18. This is the stuff that can't be fixed. We've seen Bryce's physical limitations. It's a LOT to scheme around. You're not worried about the deep outs. You're really not worried about the deep third at all. You're basically trying to lick down the flats and the short to medium area of the middle of the field. The entire field becomes the red zone and red zone offense is a lot harder for a reason. There's simply less field to cover. A QB with a limited arm just gives the defense less field to cover and makes everything about offense harder. There's a reason why coaches drool over arm talent.
  19. I wish I knew how that whole thing played out. From the outside looking in with the advantage of hindsight it really feels like a lot of the staff either didn't want Bryce to begin with or they got him into camp and panicked when they found out just how physically limited he was playing against NFL defensive talent. I'd also like to know how it went with Canales. Did he put on the full pitch of how he can fix Bryce and massage the Legos in the room or did he say something lore along the lines of "Look... we're gonna bust our asses cleaning up Bryce's technical issues and put a system in place to maximize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses but I can't guarantee you he's going to prove to be the answer at QB long-term." If it was the former we might watch Tepper rage fire another staff.
  20. He doesn't bring his feet and hips with him. When he's in the pocket he's bouncing around like the Energizer bunny then when he sees where he wants to go with it he's not ready to throw. Now he has to try to get his hips in alignment and feet set and now the opportunity is passed.
  21. All that talk about his throwing with anticipation went right out the window when he threw two ugly picks across the middle trying to do that in week one. He became a see it first then throw guy after that and that's a tough row to hoe when your arm is subpar. By the time you see it it's already gone.
  22. But a QB can show the necessary traits to succeed despite being in a poo show. Bryce didn't. That's what concerns me. He proved to not be nearly as accurate as I thought he'd be and got hung up locking into his first read far too often while showing the footwork of River Dance in the pocket while the physical limitations that had me concerned proved to be considerably more limiting than I feared. It's a REAL uphill battle for him.
  23. It's all of the above. The OL sucked. The receivers sucked. The scheme sucked. The play calling sucked. And... yes, the QB sucked.
  24. There's more to it than just height. Stop being simple.
  25. Someone needs to make a documentary on this phenomenon at some point looking back on how a QB prospect with so many obvious physical talent red flags duped the majority of the football world when these protests are normally absolutely nit picked to death leading up to the draft.
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