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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Holy poo I'm glad that went in. I was screaming my ass off at him for that poo and then it was bottoms. LOLOLOL
  2. Cmon RJ. Hit these FTs. See the ball go through the net.
  3. Bama is straight up playing football
  4. RJ is just ice cold. It's time to distribute bro. You can't buy a fuging shot
  5. Ryan, you can't shoot in the move. You're a spot up shooter.
  6. I watched the D3 national championship game because it was on and why not and honestly the TV coverage was GREAT. Just the constant half court from half court shot. It was so much easier to actually watch the game and see everything that was going on vs. all these cut camera angles and cut aways and sideline shots and crowd shots. Like... fug. I just wanna see the damn game.
  7. I wish he had a better understanding of what his game is. Three and D. That's what he is. Taking guys off the dribble? Nah bro. Stop.
  8. We have three points in five and a half minutes. Ugh
  9. Feed Bacot. This man is playing his fuging ass off.
  10. RJ needs to take a seat for a minute. Bro, we're fine. We don't need you playing hero ball. I get it, you're frustrated shots you normally hit aren't falling but this poo ain't about you. The TEAM is fine. You're hurting the team trying to prove something to your ego.
  11. They've literally straight up tackled Cadeau twice in the last thirty seconds
  12. This goofy looking white dude hacks like crazy then acts shocked when the whistle blows. All three fouls were obvious as poo and he acted like he was shocked.
  13. Bacot has been quietly dominating. Ryan is stroking. Ingram doing all the scrappy work. Trimble and Cadeau have made them pay for leaving them wide open. Honestly, RJ being off is the only thing to complain about offensively. Gotta do a better job against the dribble drive on D and keep them off the offensive glass. They've hit some tough contested threes. Can't do much about that.
  14. RJ has just been bad. Missing layups, missing FTs. Fortunately everyone else has been good. I bet he has a big second half. He has bad halves but he rarely has bad games.
  15. We're up 8 at half against a Bama team that can beat anyone when they're hot and they were hot. We have 54 at half and our leading scorer hasn't shown up yet. We took over once we started cleaning up the boards. We were giving up way too many offensive boards early on.
  16. RJ is playing like poo. We gotta D up. We're letting them drive is at will. We knew they were gonna be red hot from three.
  17. I'd constantly be looking at late round RBs. It's a position that gems are routinely drafted on day three.
  18. It's the off-season. Lots of folks have complained about the Huddle being too negative. So, we allow back the full throated all our hope propaganda machine of the bot. And then folks who complain about negativity complain. Starting to see a common theme here... LOL
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