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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. TCU is gonna get crushed. I don't really care other than wanting to see the best teams in the playoffs but I guess remembering to taunt you after it happens weill be the consolation prize.
  2. I really don't care what you do. I just like making fun of you and your blatant trolling that you mistakenly think is clever.
  3. TCU isn't crushing anyone. I'd bet on UNC because we're elite on offense. I don't think TCU is elite anywhere.
  4. Gonna be hilarious when Brooklyn starts bitching about Heels fans in a minute when once again he was the first person to mention the Heels. Rent free.
  5. Because I want to see the best teams. If fate aligned to get the Heels there is love it but we don't belong either. Hell, we'd beat TCU.
  6. They're just not that good. Give them props for finding ways to keep winning games they should be losing but that ain't gonna translate to competing with the elite.
  7. Im sold on his talent. It all comes down to interviews and what you think you can mold the kid into. I've said it numerous times. He looks pretty much just like Josh Allen did in college. But he careful interpreting that as a positive. I've never seen anyone improve as much as Allen has as a pure passer. You're basically betting on lightning striking twice. But I won't complain if he's our pick. Honestly, he intrigues me more than anyone else in the draft class.
  8. Unfortunately we're probably gonna find out and I think you're wrong.
  9. I don't. Their defense sucks. Bama and Tennessee would score at will. Catching UGA on an off day would probably be their best bad chance.
  10. They've had some games where they look plenty beatable. IMO, UGA and OSU are head and shoulders above the rest of the field.
  11. I mean, don't get me wrong. Props to them. I just don't want to see them in the playoffs. They can't hang with those teams. They aren't great at anything other than pulling off Ws out of their ass but you can't do that if you're getting blown out.
  12. They'll be 14 point dogs against OSU or UGA. Props to them for finding ways to pull off wins but they're gonna get mashed by an elite team
  13. fug Baylor. That's why you're 6-5. Complete chicken poo coaching down the homestretch. Absolutely embarrassing.
  14. And now Baylor blows the chance to catch TCU with 12 on the field that would've moved the chains. You gotta snap that ball when you see that guy running for his life to try to get off the field. They are desperately trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  15. I have no idea why Baylor has packed it in on offense their last two possessions seemingly willing to lean on their subpar D to try to win this. If they lose this game, this super conservative offensive approach is to blame IMO. You can't blame the D that you know is bad for losing it.
  16. He's made some really boneheaded throws today though. He should have a toast two INTs. Still a damn good college QB but I don't think he's an NFL prospect.
  17. Still not over though. TCU still has all three timeouts.
  18. Two pointer fails! Receiver dropped a walk in.
  19. TD TCU. They gotta have a two point conversion to tie.
  20. Baylor just has no pass rush to speak of. None They're bringing at least five nearly every snap and not even coming close to getting pressure.
  21. 28-20 Baylor. TCU forced to punt form deep in their own territory with 9 minutes to go. Another Baylor score puts TCU in a very tough spot.
  22. Agreed. Give them credit for pulling of the wins but this is a team that could easily have multiple losses. I just don't see that they're great at anything. They have significantly overachieved.
  23. TD Baylor. They go up one due to the missed TCU XP.
  24. Uh oh. Missed XP could potentially loom large. We'll see.
  25. TD TCU. Wide open. Baylor really blew it by not translating their 1st half dominance to the scoreboard.
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