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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It's not football OR basketball. Football runs the college sports world now. The ACC went all in on football with their expansion adding VT and Miami they just bet on bad horses. Those programs had peaked and were on the slide. This latest expansion reeks of sheer desperation. Cal, Stanford, and SMU? LOLOLOLOL Those programs haven't been relevant for decades and we're the only P5 conference that would even consider them. It's over. FSU is suing to get out. Clemson is suing to get out. UNC wants out they're just too polite to cause a ruckus. It's a wrap. It's over.
  2. The ACC is dead. They just haven't realized it yet. And they all hate Carolina anyway so fug em.
  3. It was bad RJ Davis and bad Hubert Davis relying on bad RJ Davis to snap out of it. I don't know what's gonna get him to stop relying on hero ball. He did it with Caleb Love. He did it with RJ Davis. Ian Jackson is probably next man up.
  4. Carolina has always had random guys have career nights against them. Tonight it was some lanky whiny dude that looked like Kip Dynamite and spent most of the game crying to the refs.
  5. I don't think he's less talented than the guy we mortgaged the franchise on. I'm just not sure that's NFL caliber though. Bryce does have a head on his shoulders. If you have marginal talent and a marginal head... oof. Tough row to hoe.
  6. Hey, we got Clemson to the Final Four. Bama is an every other game team. They're gonna go like 4-27 from three against Clemson.
  7. It's a traits thing for me. He just didn't look like he belonged. I'd say more about that specific issue but some folks would get triggered. I'll just say that I'm not sure if all the focus on OL and WRs in the world is gonna make a lot of difference for us.
  8. If RJ comes back for a 5th year great. If he doesn't I'm okay with that too. We gotta get Hubert over this hero ball poo. It's a team sport. This dude acts like we have an MJ or a Kobe. I love Caleb Love and RJ Davis but you can't let a Caleb Love or an RJ Davis gun you out of a game. Especially when everything except then building brick houses was going your way until everyone tightened up because they knew it was RJ Davis hero ball time.
  9. The way they're playing ain't nobody fuging with them. That was the one loss we had this year where I was like... damn, I don't know how we beat those guys. They were just better than us.
  10. There will be no bandwagon for me. When Carolina is done I'm done. If you're a Carolina fan and rooting for state you can take a long walk off a short pier. Yank your head out of your ass on that one
  11. Hubert just couldn't accept that RJ was off. The game plan down the stretch was RJ hero ball and he was having his worst game in years.
  12. Well, that concludes college basketball for me this year. Damn. I really didn't expect us to lose because RJ Davis turned into the bad version of Caleb Love. Kinda ironic that both Carolina and Arizona go home on a night when RJ Davis and Caleb Love couldn't hit water from a boat. I've seen that movie a couple dozen times.
  13. I hate it for RJ but I hate it a lot worse for the team. RJ got in a fight with his ego tonight and got us knocked the fug out. I don't know why Hubert didn't yank him. It was so obvious to everyone else that he was gunning us out of the game.
  14. It's an age old Carolina tradition. Some random nobody has a career game.
  15. Idiotic poo from Withers and Kip Dynamite is having the game of his life.
  16. Six points in the other two games combined. Could you imagine what a guy like Draymond Green would do to his bitch ass whiny ass? LOLOL I might actually watch an NBA game just to see it
  17. I hate #2. What a bitch. All he does is fuging whine.
  18. This guy who should've already fouled out is killing us
  19. It's time to just bench RJ. He's fuging killing us
  20. They're just not gonna stop hitting threes.
  21. That was fuging WET. Nothing but net.
  22. Brutal. Bacot misses a dunk and we hack them on the other end. This Nelson fug should've fouled out on the first half.
  23. I wish Corral nothing but the best. I just don't think he's an NFL QB talent. It was pretty obvious pretty quickly.
  24. RJ please bro. Stop. Please stop gunning threes.
  25. They live and die by the three and were ice cold in their last game. Luckily for them they were playing Grand Canyon who I didn't even know existed. Had to figure they were gonna be red hot tonight.
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