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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Diggs bitched about Josh Allen at QB. How do you really think it would've played out with him having Bryce Young at QB? Trading for Diggs would make sense on Madden but it would've been a fuging disaster in reality.
  2. I gotta admit, it's kinda entertaining having a personal lapdog that follows me around the board.
  3. Wow. Diggs is hella talented but he seems genuinely disliked everywhere he goes.
  4. Feels like a bit of a false premise to me. Yeah, good teams are generally going to be made up of better players and those teams are going to seek to retain as many of those good players as they can. Bad teams are generally going to be made up of lesser players and those teams are going to seek to replace as many of those lesser players as they can. It all starts with acquiring the right talent IMO. Talent retention is a follow up step to that initial step. Then you have our constant coach/regime changes and the inherent different roster preferences that's going to bring with it. Long story short, were a poo show of an organization and we display all the qualities you'd expect to see from a poo show organization.
  5. Hourly rate makes no sense for a salesperson. You're not paying them for their time and effort, you're paying them for the end result. If they do a great job with the listing, pictures, targeting buyers, etc. and it sells in a day that's a fantastic result for everyone involved... except for the salesperson being paid by the hour. Part of being a good salesperson is efficiency but being paid by the hour creates direct disincentives for being efficient. Honestly, hourly pay is just an idiotic and inefficient system in general for most jobs IMO but that's an entirely different conversation.
  6. So other than arguably the GOAT TE, a young QB on the GOAT track, and a future HOF DL? That's all we need? Hell, piece of cake. LOL
  7. A really scrappy guy on the basketball court, good free throw shooter too. LOL
  8. White non-QB prospects and black QB prospects have to be compared to another player of the same race. It's an unwritten rule somewhere.
  9. What is it that you like about the guy? Let's hear your case. You sure like to try to tear down anyone else's opinions. Let's hear YOURS.
  10. Maybe he's just a late bloomer and he'll continue to rapidly improve. The one year wonders generally don't though. There's been quite a few guys leverage extra COVID years into NFL opportunities as they finally find success playing as literal men amongst boys. Kenny Pickett comes to mind immediately.
  11. As prospects they are very similar. Yes. He might be worth a 2nd round pick, I just don't think he's a great fit for us due to redundancy. I did this same thing about Funchess with KB on the roster. Why is this so triggering for you?
  12. Except if you'd been following the college basketball thread you'd know that I literally said this same thing weeks ago. He's a football OT playing basketball. It's the dregs of the off-season. What else is there to talk about? No one seriously thinks he's going to play on the NFL. It's just that for his pro prospects he would've been a lot better off if he'd focused on football.
  13. I mean to have had those types of kids concentrating on football instead of basketball. And let's be real, a high level athlete with the right build there's not a ton of difference. Trimble is 6'3" and listed at 195. If he was gonna play FS you'd probably want him to add maybe 15 pounds. That's not a big deal. Lots of guys will get drafted later this month needing to add that much muscle to their frame.
  14. I think it all the time about these wildly athletic guards you see that don't have high level basketball skill. Out of this world athletes but just not great basketball players. Surely there would be a role for them somewhere on the football field. Every time I see Seth Trimble I think... damn, this kid would make one helluva FS.
  15. You've literally offered nothing but links to other people's opinions. I've offered my own. That offends you. I'm not sorry. That's what this place is for. You have a differing opinion on a prosect. Cool. I'm not offended.
  16. I shared supporting evidence. You just parrot other people's opinions. We ain't the same.
  17. I just presented supporting evidence for my opinion. You assuming it's the entire basis for my opinion is on you. You seem to rely too heavily on having analysts tell you what to think. It's okay to formulate your own opinions. The experts get it wrong a lot too.
  18. Honest to god I think he'd be a top tier LT prospect if he had played football. For his professional prospects he's absolutely playing the wrong sport.
  19. I said "he is considered a 3rd round pick by many of the experts". Evidently you read that I said "he is unanimously considered a 3rd round pick by everyone and drafting him with one of our 2nds would be a travesty". I'm not sure why you seem so bothered by a variance of opinion.
  20. They're both big bodies athletes with good speed, questionable agility, and route trees that need significant work. IMO, we need a technician. Get me the best route runner available. We have enough athletes who we hope can develop into NFL WRs.
  21. And Legette is considered a 3rd round pick by many of the "experts". The Mingo comp really isn't crazy off.
  22. Oh lord, how many times did I hear that when I expressed concerns about Bryce Young's diminutive size and weak arm about this time last year? LOLOLOL
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