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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. They screwed themselves. That hold looked like a rear naked choke in the UFC.
  2. Oh wow. The Bengals just got bailed out massively. Went for it on 4th and 3 and Burrow took a 23 yard sack. But the call was legit. That was a very blatant hold.
  3. I've probably watched maybe a quarter of Panthers football over the past 4 games or so. My Sundays have become much more enjoyable. I was catching redfish in the Hunting Island lagoon during today's game occasionally checking in on ESPN gamecast to ensure we secured the needed L.
  4. Feelings from yesteryear are irrelevant. If you were on a college team, how many kids were sitting out of bowl games back then? Yeah... exactly. That's my point. Bowls as they currently exist under the current system simply don't matter.
  5. This. Simply going to a bowl carries no meaning now. That's why all the bowls that aren't playoff games simply don't matter. If you still had to actually be a good team to qualify they'd still matter. Evidently this hurts some people's feelings. Oh fuging well.
  6. No. I want to get away from this massively bloated bowl system where simply making a bowl is irrelevant because anyone who isn't absolutely awful goes to a bowl game of some sort. It's not "for the kids". That's why so many of the draftable guys end up sitting out. If you want to watch the shitty bowls, go for it. But the bloated bowl system is the reason the bowls are shitty.
  7. Above .500 usually means beating roughly 3 P5 teams. You gotta be terrible. In an NFL type system where those teams would be playing nothing but P5 teams those .500 teams would be significantly underwater.
  8. I probably haven't watched an NBA game of any sort in at least a decade. I used to be a massive college basketball fan and still religiously watch UNC basketball but they have really fuged up the sport of basketball in the past 20 years. If I wasn't such a huge Heels fan I would've completely stopped watching the sport by now. If the Heels aren't playing I'm not watching basketball. And that's coming from a guy who used to be a college basketball over anything else fan.
  9. I'd prefer the bowl games go back to being quality. Yeah, for the most part I don't watch. Hence why I'd like a change. I thought I made that fairly clear.
  10. It's why "reality shows" became such a plague. It's way cheaper than having to pay actual talent.
  11. Hell, look at MLB. You can't tell me that viewership numbers on most of those games is practically non-existent.
  12. I just wonder how long it'll keep flowing? It's all about the TV contracts and the viewership numbers have to be completely atrocious.
  13. They gotta get rid of at least half the bowls. They have to bring back the pride of bowl eligibility. With everyone who isn't completely atrocious going to a bowl nowadays it just doesn't matter and that's why you have draft bound kids sitting out left and right. You don't see them sitting out of playoff games. Meanwhile, most of these poo tier bowls have the attendance of a local HS game.
  14. In theory, sure. In reality I'm not so sure. Simply because it would be a huge spotlight on the massive discrepancy in consumer demand between the teams and on turn, the massive discrepancy in revenue being driven for the league by team. Ultimately, I could see that leading to an argument by the owners of the more popular teams to have that discrepancy reflected in terms of the salary cap. I mean, from a business perspective it would make a ton of sense. If you're driving more revenue you should get a larger operating budget and the overall interest of the league is probably best served by the loft popular teams having a real competitive advantage. From a fan perspective that sucks.
  15. Brian Burns sucks and Sam Darnold is a franchise QB. These are the opinions held by this guy. Just FYI.
  16. Makes you wonder what that investigation was turning up. They must've had the goods on his ass.
  17. This. Good for him playing well so far. But people are getting a little carried away acting like he's their definitive long-term answer. If he continues to play well down the stretch and into the playoffs then it'll be time to ponder such possibilities.
  18. The Seahawks were basically fool's gold. They've lost 4 of their last 5. They're in free fall at this point.
  19. Geno has not played well, but damn... the Niners have gotten crazy pressure all night long. I guess that's expected when you have a DL chock full of high 1st rounders.
  20. Dude, you are becoming a just a pure poo poster.
  21. As soon as the announcers start talking up Cross, Bosa just runs right through him for a sack.
  22. Amazon must be losing viewers. They're throwing flags like crazy trying to drag Seattle back into this game.
  23. OMG, another phantom roughing flag. This one bringing back a pick six.
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