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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This. He's playing out of position. He needs to be playing a Kam Chancellor type role. K Chancellor as a cover 3 safety spent the majority of his time either on the box or covering the midrange portion of the field with minimal plays asking him to drop deep. That maximized his strengths and minimized his weaknesses. I honestly think Chinn is better than Chancellor and has more versatility but he still shares the same overall strengths and weaknesses. Now before anyone scoffs at that, understand that Chinn is basically being asked to play the Earl Thomas role in our defense. Now imagine Kam Chancellor trying to play the Earl Thomas role. It wouldn't be pretty. Chinn is playing out of position and it's obvious but he's still playing decently well. Kam Chancellor would be on IR early from the third degree burns he'd be receiving trying to cover deep constantly.
  2. It's safe to say there's things you don't know. Hell, there was things I didn't know. He'll never be back. Nor should he be.
  3. PhillyB was an ass whose permaban was a long time coming but imagine someone being so deep in your head that you create an account over three years ago for this to be your first post. Wow.
  4. If he was a 5th round pick I'd be happy. A JAG rotational level DE in the 5th would be good pick. But as a 2nd round pick he's a pretty big disappointment. Not ready to call him an outright bust just yet but next year is probably his make or break season.
  5. If he's not on the roster next year nothing will be lost. I'm disappointed. I thought he had a lot of potential and I liked the pick.
  6. Just go ahead and build the Drake Maye statue in Chapel Hill now. https://athlonsports.com/college-football/2-schools-reportedly-offered-drake-may-5-million-to-leave-north-carolina Very happy the kid is coming back, but not gonna lie... he should've pocketed that cash and suited up for UGA next year.
  7. Well, that'll be enough of that. You're clearly just here to troll and pick fights.
  8. Tepper wishes he could clone you tens of thousands of times. He needs fans that embrace the suck.
  9. Imagine being such a terrible fan that you'd rather your team continue to suck ass just to spite other fans you don't like.
  10. Regardless of reality, I would expect this to be the message from the organization as long as we're still in contention for the playoffs.
  11. And occasionally one is so far ahead of the curve that being a piss poor leader doesn't even matter until the rest of the NFL finally starts catching up. Mike Martz.
  12. It's hard to be good at QB on an atrocious team. Really hard. The entire opposing D is keying on him every week.
  13. Absolutely agreed with this. Sucks watching a DB in good position get flagged simply because a WR tries to fight his way through him to get to a poorly thrown ball. The defender has a right to his space and that ball too.
  14. Let him and Zane kick it out in camp next year. If someone offers him more than vet min then wish him all the best and mean it.
  15. Let me translate that for the original questioner. That would be "no".
  16. You can't criticize a fanbase for not showing up to support a shitty product. Sorry. You don't see the team offering the fans a discount on the seats. You don't see players and coaches offering to take pay cuts. Wanna charge a premium price, put forth a premium product. But don't guilt trip the fans to try to get them to continue to financially support you.
  17. Give me 5-13 and a top 5 pick over 7-10, a home playoff blowout loss, and a barely top 20 pick all day everyday. Winning this putrid division is losing. Someone is going to cost themselves 10 spots of draft position just to get brutally mocked on the national stage for making the playoffs on a technicality while better teams are left sitting at home because they play in divisions with actual NFL caliber teams in them.
  18. A lot easier to play CB when you can just grab a guy by the facemask as the ball arrives
  19. There very well could be multiple teams with winning records miss the playoffs and some shitty NFC South team is gonna go.
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