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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. You know you suck when they yank you for this wish.com The Golden Calf of Bristol dude.
  2. FWIW, the Jets should give the fans what they want. I mean damn, has anyone NOT seen enough of Zach Wilson in a Jets jersey?
  3. After booing their asses off all night long, now the fans are chanting "WE WANT FLACCO!" Brutal.
  4. You can just tell no one on the team likes him. Everything with the offense is disjointed with him out there. Lots of procedural penalties. They know this dude gives them no chance AND they can't stand the prick. Tough situation.
  5. It was time for both him and the Panthers to move on but I have no dislike for Ron Rivera as a person.
  6. If you're the Jets and you actually want to make the playoffs, you need to go to Flacco. Zach Wilson is done. Broken. Some team (hopefully not fuging us) will take a shot at rehabbing him, but I won't be surprised if he's not out of the league shortly. Darnold sucks but he's a good guy with a good attitude and is likely we'll liked in the locker room. He's a good backup candidate. I don't see dick headed Wilson as a good backup candidate and he sure as hell isn't a starter, so... yeah.
  7. One of the most head scratching re-signings we've ever made. He's a vet min, fighting for a roster spot type of guy. We paid him like a solid starter.
  8. I don't know, kinda seems like business as usual for the Jets. And yes, I say this with FULL knowledge that I'm in no place at all as a Panthers fan to talk poo about a team flailing at QB.
  9. There's just no sugarcoating it, Zach Wilson is trash. I really liked him as a prospect but he just doesn't have it. He's Darnold 2.0 except instead of nice guy Sam he seems like a dickhead.
  10. Honestly, I'm just too lazy to clean the thread up so fug it.
  11. Dammit, I thought I had hid that post. @Snake is on a bit of a vacation for that one. The rest of y'all knock it off or you'll join him.
  12. I've been sacrificing internet speed for elbow room my entire adult life. Gladly.
  13. I can see one other house from mine and I can only see it when the leaves are off. Behind me to the south is literally just miles of untouched wilderness. When I go home I want to be able to forget the rest of the world exists.
  14. I'm over a mile off of a public maintained road. Luckily, the people who built this house had a line ran to it but that was in 2011. I'm maxed out at 25mbps but typically see speeds roughly half that. I called to see about upgrading the line and they came out and the guy said it's gonna be a five figure number. Interested? If you are, I'll do the actual measurements and write out a full quote but just spit balling it I'm gonna say probably $15-20k and if you know you aren't gonna do it I'd rather not go through the hassle of doing an actual measurement. Nah man, I'm good.
  15. I kept satellite in CO because I was so far out in the boonies that my internet speeds were too shoddy to rely on consistent streaming. Dropped it in NC even though I'm still out in the boonies and my speeds still aren't great but as long as I'm not streaming on multiple devices at once it's doable. Still waiting on Elon to quit fuging around with tanking Twitter and get me some damn Starlink. Been on the waiting list for over two years and had the date pushed back three times.
  16. Yep, this whole process playing out pretty much confirms that the days of satellite and cable TV are numbered. Hell, I haven't had it in years. It's basically going the way of the home phone. You pretty much only have it if you're a boomer and it's all you've ever known.
  17. He was that dude in college. Those BC teams sucked but he pretty much single handedly made them relevant. I'll give the guy that and I hated seeing him go to the Falcons because it was like uh oh.
  18. A mod clicking on an unfamiliar poster making a provocative comment isn't cyber-stalkerish. It's just due diligence. Going to a completely different unrelated forum to look through other post history and tie it back to here is some next level creepiness. Honestly, to the level of... yeah, I don't want this poo here. Three years of sitting on this account just to wait for your opportunity to unleash your personal vendetta against a guy who has already been perma-banned? Bye.
  19. holy poo Matty Ice is actually Matty Choke Artist I mean, I'm not one to usually single out individuals on stuff like this because a lot of things have to go wrong to blow commanding leads but damn... when one individual is connecting to so many historical chokes it can't be coincidence.
  20. How is it even possible to blow a 33-0 lead in football? I mean, damn...
  21. I just don't care about Rhule. He was terrible here and I'm glad he's gone. Him going on his excuse and blame game tour just emphasizes why he was always going to fail at the NFL level. The guy can do no wrong, just ask him. As for Nebraska fans... I mean damn, they're just grasping at straws for anything remotely positive for their program. In the space of just a decade or so they went from college football royalty to an absolute bottom feeder and they've been down there in the muck with the catfish for years. As sorry as the Panthers have been in recent years, they haven't been as bad as Nebraska and were never the powerhouse that Nebraska was to begin with. It's been a stunning fall from grace for them and the copium has been flowing for years. Add hopium to copium and you have full on delusions of grandeur.
  22. When your entire passing game is built around the simplest throws a QB is asked to make them you expect high efficiency but you're running that offense because you can't trust your QB.
  23. He may work out well for Nebraska but he ain't an NFL coach. As a Nebraska fan you don't have to try to white wash his NFL failure to convince yourself he can help your bottom dwelling program out. He's shown he can do that at two different stops. But yeah, he sucked in the NFL and the Panthers playing much better without him is the only argument I need.
  24. As soft as he is he should fit in well in the modern NBA.
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