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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. He fielded one! Let the kid just play! Worked out well!
  2. Just come after this punt. If you're not gonna return them then try to fuging block it.
  3. He's not the usual returner. He's just out there because Downs sat out. Someone else on the return team also wears his normal number. So he's having to change jerseys to play ST.
  4. Returner changed jerseys and we didn't report it. He can't even field a punt. Hell, I think they're telling him NOT to field it. Why are we fuging around with trying to play jersey swaps to get him on the field? Just put someone else out there to not field it.
  5. This kid can't even field a punt and we have him out there and it costs us a helluva defensive stop
  6. I keep telling y'all about Gray and Echols. Them boys can play
  7. Damn it. WTF was that play? Four routes and three of them could be covered by one man over there on the right side. That was awful route design. Three guys in the same area. GREAT punt
  8. That was the first bad ball Maye has thrown tonight. Still just missed by a hair.
  9. They've done this numerous times this year. Looked absolutely useless in the 1st half then played decent ball in the 2nd half. I don't know why it takes us til halftime to figure it out.
  10. Nix has been bad tonight. Thank god. Because the way they're running it if he was just decent I don't know how we'd ever stop them.
  11. You KNOW your run D sucks when your opponent has a draftable QB and they're still just handing it off on 3rd and 6 because they know they can get it.
  12. Back to 10ypc now after the fluke 3 and out. We really needed to create some breathing room out of that opportunity.
  13. What the announcer is missing is that Clemson could still create pressure with 3. If you can rush 3 and play 8 in coverage and STILL get pressure playing D is easy.
  14. Why didn't they change ends of the field? We're still going towards that plowed field end.
  15. Our D has come out in the 2nd half and looked dramatically better numerous times this year. What happens in 1st halves?
  16. Hell yeah. I'll take that heading to half.
  17. Love seeing Drake Maye looking like Drake Maye again. The OL hasn't played well and it hasn't mattered.
  18. Love going for the dagger after a turnover.
  19. I mean, that's assuming they don't score. Which is a helluva assumption, I grant you.
  20. fugin' BALLER!!! HUGE swing to end the half!
  21. Watch them fug us here. I mean, they've already missed three DPIs in the endzone.
  22. Hahahahahaha!!! fug you Nix!!! fuging BALLER INT! Told y'all Echols and Gray could play they're just surrounded by trash!
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