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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Uh oh. KJ Henry down. He's a legit NFL prospect. Honestly surprised he's out there tonight. Hope he's alright.
  2. Richardson is a lot better. In the Florida games I've watched there have been a lot of catchable balls bouncing off receivers' hands. Richardson looks like a talented QB who is raw and is having to carry an offense. Milton looks like a talented athlete who is trying to play QB.
  3. Tennessee's offense has been utterly stagnant now seemingly forever. Clemson can move the ball but can't score. Tennessee can't do poo. Feels like this is a blowout if Hooker was playing.
  4. OMG, if you dumped nasty ass mayonnaise on me like that I'd be like
  5. You just gotta be smarter that with the clock running down and no timeouts. When he ran the first time I was like, damn... that was dumb. But they still have time for a couple more plays as long as they go to the endzone. Then damn if he doesn't try to run again. Straight up the gut. Zero chance to get out of bounds.
  6. Wow. That was some truly moronic football from Klubnik. Bruh... WTF are you doing?
  7. On the other side, this Milton kid has a poo ton of physical talent he just doesn't see the field like a QB.
  8. Oh wee mayne that was inches from a pick six.
  9. I honestly don't recall many if any clamoring for him to be drafted in the top 10. I wasn't extremely high on him myself but this feels like a lot of revisionist history going on.
  10. I feel like the enshrining of Klubnik into the HOF was a bit premature. Folks got a little carried away and forgot it was against a D that has been lit up by every backup QB they faced all year. I mean like a Christmas tree.
  11. Does Clemson have a backup kicker? Because this guy is OFF tonight. Meanwhile, Klubnik isn't gonna make it to the end of this one if he keeps taking these types of shots.
  12. Good grief. It feels like Clemson has more yardage via pass interference flags than they do via actual offense.
  13. 12 feels like a good number. You're always going to have teams complaining of being snubbed no matter how many teams you have in. We still see teams complaining about in the basketball tourney. Sorry, if you can't make a tourney of 68 you have zero shot to win it. I honestly feel like it's the same story with 12 in football.
  14. Klubnik looking very average playing a non-UNC defense.
  15. If it wasn't for pass interference Clemson wouldn't be moving the ball at all. They gotta change this bullshit where receivers can just try to maul their way through a DB in good position on badly underthrow balls and get automatic flags.
  16. Good grief, that was a ridiculous list of QBs that has come out of that HS.
  17. QB should've ran. Didn't look there was anything in his way once he broke contain.
  18. Yeah it was. DB thought he had an easy pick but instead of going to get the ball the receiver did.
  19. That dude's name is pronounced like something Scooby-Doo would say.
  20. To his credit, he knows his audience. I'm sure state fans found it hilarious.
  21. They actually have an elite program. They're embarrassed to not at minimum being in a NYE6 bowl
  22. "amongst all the illegal aliens down in El Paso" He was commenting about a bowl game being played in El Paso, TX.
  23. Nothing like UNC's defense to create a highlight reel.
  24. Are they gonna try to Liv Golf football next?
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