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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This Howard kid can play. He's gonna be on NFL radars.
  2. KSU desperately needed that conversation. Felt like Bama was really starting to dominate.
  3. Are you really trying to pretend you didn't try to argue that you can almost certainly predict a QB's future by round drafted and (AND) how he plays as a rookie? Listen, we're all proud of our opinions here. That's why we come here and talk football. But there's none prouder than you. I'm shocked you aren't the GM of the greatest NFL dynasty we've ever seen. I mean, it's all extremely simple. You have it all figured out.
  4. The powerhouse teams tend to be pretty conservative. They can be. They're just flat out better than the other team 95% of the time they step on the field. That's why I loved those early 2000s Boise State teams. When those teams made it to a big time bowl against a big time opponent they pulled out ALL the stops. That poo was FUN to watch.
  5. Bama answers. Good grief, if you give a QB that long somebody is gonna come uncovered.
  6. Now that actually looked like Bryce Young. Let's see if that big play wakes Bama up.
  7. What is Bryce Young doing? Yeah, the receiver fell down but that was perfectly bracketed double coverage.
  8. Bama better wake up or they're gonna get embarrassed.
  9. I thought Bama would come out motivated to show they belonged in the CFP. That hasn't been the case so far. Felt like that's what Tennessee did last night though. They looked like a team that belonged in the CFP.
  10. Yikes. Bryce Young just badly missed an absolutely wide ass open receiver for what would've been an easy TD.
  11. Curious to see how he translates. Darren Sproles and MJD did just fine. You could consider a guy like Danny Woodhead too. I do think he has to get up to at least 185 or so.
  12. I've seen some interviews. He's no Peyton Manning but he doesn't seem like a moron either.
  13. Absolutely agreed. Maybe I'm wrong and Levis will be great and he was just held back by an subpar situation at Kentucky. Completely possible. But yeah, I see a superior physical talent in Richardson who is significantly younger and who was also on a subpar situation at Florida. I don't even think it's close between the two unless interviews determine there's a wide gap that isn't evident from the play on the field.
  14. I don't blame him but I'm not sold on the least on him. I can't be convinced that spending a high 1st rounder on pure raw talent that will be 24 when he puts on an NFL jersey is a good idea. We aren't talking about a 20 or 21 year old here. We're talking about a guy who will be the age of a typical 2nd or 3rd year NFL player. When you consider that, the shine wears off Levis very quickly IMO.
  15. That's part of the problem. I think that time to prep generally favors the better team.
  16. I'm not opposed to going all in on a QB like that. I just don't see anyone in this class is be willing to go all in on. They all have warts. That's not to say one or more won't be great NFL QBs. All the best young QBs currently in the league all had warts. I just can't rationalize making an all in move on one.
  17. Somebody please alert the Jags and Bills that their QBs are trash and one of them should just cut bait on one of those bums and trade him to us for Ian Thomas to recoup some of their investment. Because Trevor Lawrence and Josh Allen looked like straight trash as rookies.
  18. Definitely looking forward to seeing Stroud play UGA's D. If he struggles again it definitely adds a lot of fuel to my suspicion that he might be a guy that has to be surrounded by talent that is simply superior to his opposition. That just doesn't happen in the NFL. Sure, some teams are obviously better than others but the talent gap is a lot smaller than what you see in college when powerhouse teams face off against non-powerhouse teams.
  19. Hope I'm wrong but I'm not sure either of these semifinal games are gonna be competitive. I think UGA and Michigan roll.
  20. You don't get to replay the game in that moment. It is what it is. You're trailing 28-24 with six minutes to go and only one timeout and it's 4th and 10 from your own 20. Shitty situation but it is what it is. If you punt, you've lost. If you go for it and don't get it you've lost. If you go for it and you get it you're probably still gonna lose but at least you've given yourself a legit fighting chance. You can't punt there if you're actually trying to give yourself a chance to win versus just trying to save face and not have the final score look like a skull dragging.
  21. Look, I know you're backed up deep in your own territory and it's 4th and 10 but down two TDs with only one timeout and 6 minutes to go you have to make a choice. Do you want to try to win the game but risk getting blown out by going for it or do you want to try to make sure the final score looks respectable but basically ensure you lose by punting? Clemson chose the latter
  22. The TEs are definitely not "fine". They're among the worst in the league. Maybe the worst.
  23. That failed 4th down conversion might have been the key play if the game. It seems it was the spark Tennessee needed to get their offense going again.
  24. Shipley is an excellent RB but he's gotta understand it's 4th down there and extend that ball. He gets the 1st if he extends it instead of keeping it tucked tight.
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