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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I agree. We should intentionally harm our ability to compete in the future just for the sake of keeping up appearances. I mean, it's working so well! We're killing it!
  2. Any GM that considers drafting IOL in the top 10 should get fired. With the possible exception of a good team holding that pick due to a prior trade with an obvious need at IOL. But a team that's there because they suck cannot afford to spend a premium pick like that on IOL. That's worse than picking a RB
  3. We've been doing it for years. Winning meaningless late season games once we're out of contention with nothing left to play for but draft positions. Some fans keep telling me these moral victories will help us build for the future, meanwhile we still suck.
  4. Nah, beating N.O. to win a meaningless game that does nothing but cost us draft position would be peak Panthers. That's what we've been doing the past few years.
  5. If I'm sold on Young or Stroud after thorough evaluation, I'm definitely calling the Bears. But three 1sts and a 3rd? Nah, I'm gonna punt on that. You gotta be convinced you're getting a slam dunk HOFer to make that trade.
  6. QB, DE, CB, WR, TE, LB Those are our top 6 IMO. QB is clearly #1, the order of the rest will probably depend heavily on the preferred schemes of the next staff. I'd favor WR and TE to support the new QB.
  7. Ouch. You're not wrong though. And D-Jax has to try to bounce back from an Achilles which is as tough of a recovery process as it gets. It's ended a lot better players than D-Jax. Beason comes to mind.
  8. Henderson is awful. You should never entertain making a move for a player a year removed from being a top 10 pick that a team is willing to part with. That's as big as red flags get. The two recent ones that come to mind are Henderson and Josh Rosen. Yeah, you gotta be absolutely hopeless for a team to cut bait on you a year after making you a top 10 pick. Our CB depth is just flat out bad and D-Jax bouncing back from an Achilles might be a long shot. CB is a big need.
  9. A bit of both. He definitely holds the ball forever and you rarely see him identify something presnap and hit it quick. I'm not saying it's a deal breaker, it's just a legit concern that warrants plenty of scrutiny as teams evaluate him.
  10. That's why I want a QB now. If Maybe and Williams pick up where they left off this year, there's your top 2 picks in the draft. If we're drafting top two then something went badly wrong.
  11. Check out his average time to throw. It's slower than almost anyone in the NFL. He's a helluva talent but the processing speed has to improve significantly because holding the ball that long isn't gonna translate to success in the NFL.
  12. With 3 turnovers and it could've easily been 4 or 5. He's better than I ever thought he would be but he's not the long-term answer. There were very few throws he made downfield that weren't his first read. He's still the same guy. He looks great when the play works as designed and he can hit his first read. He's an extremely talented thrower of the football. But he's not a long-term answer at starting QB.
  13. Kyler's contract likely means they're sticking with him despite the concerns and the injury. I could see the Seahawks rolling with Geno. Carroll is 70+. Does he really want to develop a rookie QB? Doea he think there's a rookie in the draft who would be better now than Geno was this year? Indy, Vegas, and ATL are all obviously QB needy teams.
  14. Chinn needs to be a traditional strong safety who spends at least half his time in the box. Yes, CB is a significant need. I don't think you can count on D-Jax bouncing back from that Achilles and lord knows we already need depth there even if he can.
  15. I'm over it. It's not entertaining anymore.
  16. FTR, I'm fine retaining Darnold for food backup money. Seems like a great guy in the locker room and he could be a good bridge to a rookie if need be so we're not forced to play a rookie before he's ready.
  17. Yeah, it sucks. But this has to happen. We can't afford to give away 10+ draft spots to win this trash division and get blasted at home in the wildcard round. Love Wilks, but I don't think he's the answer long-term. Darnold seems like a great dude and he can look great at times but any reasonable person realizes he's not the long-term answer. This organization needs a total reset. Lucking into winning an all-time putrid division would've been a massive setback for the future. It's about the future. There's a lot to work with on the roster. We need a QB, another pass rusher, CB depth, and another WR opposite Moore. That's a lot better than this time last year when it looked like we needed a whole damn football organization.
  18. Ickey has been great but he got beat there. Darnold doesn't feel pressure. He never has. That's why he has a ton of strip sacks in his career.
  19. Alright Darnold. You wanna be a starting QB? This is it. Let's see it.
  20. I love watching Brady act like a fuging brat after every play that goes poorly.
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