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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That roster, particularly on offense is atrocious. I think they should put #1 on the block and sell it off to the highest bidder for the most assets they can get. That is unless they think a QB in the draft is significantly better than Fields in which case they should put Fields in the block instead. The latter would be a huge risk though. Fields has shown promise and the near universal consensus is that you should go all in on building a team around him. So if you trade him and draft another QB you damn well better be right because if he flourishes elsewhere while your new QB flounders... oh wee mayne.
  2. Yeah, I would be shocked if he didn't go into that interview with a pretty well put together plan regarding how he plans to approach the offensive side of the ball, the OC or at least OC candidates being a key piece of that plan. I mean if he didn't, he's basically out.
  3. He still has to be putting feelers out for his potential staff. Having actual names of guys you've contacted and know have potential interest to give Tepper is a much better case to make than simply saying your plan is to hire a good OC then have to admit that no, you haven't actually seen if those guys have are actually interested.
  4. We do. But honestly it's been so long since we've been relevant that other NFL fans don't see us as a legit franchise anyway so they'd rather see a good guy get another chance.
  5. They know Wilks got screwed in Arizona and want to see him get an actual legit shot because he's a good guy.
  6. I was raked over the coals by a lot of folks here for saying that I thought CMC was milking minor injuries to avoid wearing out the tread on his tires being run into the ground on a team that sucked where feeding him the ball constantly was their best hope and that don't be shocked if he forces his way out of here and suddenly becomes much more durable playing for a better team. Well, what now?
  7. Remember when the NFL let another elite OSU QB prospect slide because who knows why? I wouldn't mind to see that happen again. Just actually fuging draft him this time around if it happens again.
  8. Good for him. Good for them. Good for us. A rare win/win NFL trade. They were ready to compete now. We weren't and needed out from under a big money RB contract and needed more draft capital.
  9. It seems pretty obvious at this point that the smart money is on the Panthers'next HC being from the offensive side of the ball. Maybe it'll be a surprise defensive guy but it sure seems like the bulk of the interviews are offensive guys.
  10. Its a good point. A lot of what makes Mahomes Mahomes isn't the things you'd teach a QB to do. Hell, a lot of it is stuff you'd specifically teach them NOT to do.
  11. I've been hearing how the Saints' cap issues are coming home to roost now for over a decade. It might be time to just admit that they're better at the accounting fugery than we are.
  12. The Saints have been over the cap every year and still make splash signings. If you want to sign people you can make it work.
  13. Oh good god, please don't do this to Sam Howell.
  14. Hell, he might just be looking across town and seeing
  15. Sure. Offer to send them Brian Burns. No, seriously. That actually isn't an awful idea. I mean, they did just recently offer us two 1sts and a 2nd for him.
  16. I didn't suggest the outcome of last night's game impacted Tepper's decision that was evidently made prior to last night's game. How you came up with that idea is baffling. I wasn't talking about the Panthers specifically but the NFL genetically. I thought that would've been obvious.
  17. It's actually a good point. If they think they're 3-4 years away from contending and they like a rookie as much as Fields they may go that route and gain a couple more years of a QB on a rookie contract. Who knows?
  18. It does when a guy is demanding full control of your football operations. I think that's precisely why Tepper chatted with him and immediately decided no thanks on that. At least he seems to have learned his lesson from making that mistake previously.
  19. Okay. I mean just a couple of years ago Michigan fans were ready to run him out of town because they sucked. Dude wants full control like Rhule. How you gonna go demand full control of an NFL team when the college team you couldn't beat just got the doors blown off of them by 8 (EIGHT!) touchdowns?
  20. Did you happen to catch the team that knocked him out of the playoffs getting skull drug 65-7 last night?
  21. I thought UGA would win easily but absolutely no one predicted a 65-7 beatdown. That's what you expect if UGA played Western Carolina or somebody like that.
  22. The combo of NIL, wild rampant transferring, and extra COVID years has just created a damn mess. I think the system will adapt in coming years but right now it does basically feel like minor league pro sports with no cap and no contracts. Basically just a poo show.
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