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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Brady is old and washed up. Mike Evans simply running past our trash reserve CBs made everyone forget that for a few minutes but it's back top of mind again now.
  2. Probably not because we're probably getting skull drug 31-6 in the 4th quarter of a wildcard game in BOA just like the Bucs are right now.
  3. I'm just bummed Brady and the Bucs didn't get shutout. That would've been amazing.
  4. Dude out there slide tackling people.
  5. This game truly highlights how atrocious this division was this year. This is what the NFC South "champion" deserves to look I their wholly undeserved playoff appearance. The Lions or Seahawks were more deserving but they didn't play on trash divisions.
  6. This is an absolute comedy of errors. The Bucs out here looking like TCU against Georgia.
  7. I don't think the Niners will blow them out but I think they beat them probably 80% of the time.
  8. Seriously, there's gonna be some kickers with tryouts in Dallas tomorrow.
  9. Has a kicker ever gone 0/4 on XPs? Wow.
  10. Man, the Bucs are getting fuging wrecked. Y'all still mad we didn't win this shitty ass division? I tried to tell y'all the winner of this putrid division was doing nothing but costing themselves 10 spots of draft position for the honor of getting blasted by Dallas at home in the wildcard round.
  11. Pretty sure it's the Niners and pretty sure that'll happen.
  12. This is about to get out of hand. God, I hope Brady gets shutout.
  13. There's no way to sugarcoat it. Tom Brady absolutely sucks tonight.
  14. If you can kick a football at all, you can go get you a job at Raymond James stadium like RIGHT NOW.
  15. How are you gonna stand there at the sticks and just wait for Dak to get past the marker if you're #23? He's past the LOS. He can't throw. Go get his ass! Don't stand there and wait for him.
  16. I really hate the dual agent double dip. If he starts trying to get you to lower the price for this buyer tell him to go fug himself and take it feel free to take it out of his commission if he wants this buyer to have the property so badly. The danger for you as a seller in this dual agent scenario is that your realtor is still going to make a lot more money selling your house to one of his clients for well below list than he would selling it to a client that isn't one of his for well over list. It's one of the MANY reasons why this practice should be outlawed. There's massive conflicts of interest involved and there's no way the agent can represent either client to the fullest.
  17. Oh, they're trying. They just suck. I mean, Sam Darnold threw for 341 yards and 3 TDs against them just a coupler weeks ago.
  18. What in the fug is Brady doing? After he threw one into quadruple coverage he just throws it right to Dallas.
  19. Nice throw into quadruple coverage, Tom
  20. It's worth noting that Greg Olsen was a 1st round pick. Chicago was just dumb enough to trade him to us for a 3rd because Mike Martz's offense didn't treat the TE as an eligible receiver.
  21. It's all true. Away from Carroll Wilson looks like a bum and a career bum magically looks elite under Carroll. Due the math.
  22. My fandom has definitely not recovered from cutting Cam.
  23. His SB seasons were two of his worst statistical seasons as a Seahawk. Based on how he looks in Denver and how Geno looked in Seattle, I'm willing to bet a lot of guys could've had Wilson's career under Pete Carroll.
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