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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I'll never root for any Sean Payton coached team and neither would any Panthers fan with a single ounce of moral fortitude. If you're willing to completely change your mind on a person because of the color of his shirt you're fuged in the head.
  2. Honestly not sure this is a Coke/Simply Orange issue and not simply facing reality. These things are in the water. Like mercury accumulating in fish, these things likely accumulate in plants. They're finding absurd levels in free swimming wild freshwater fish too.
  3. I just want to ask all these folks "Exactly what was your plan here? In detail please."
  4. I don't think it's ever that simple. Likely a bit of both. I mean, Brees was decent with the Chargers but nowhere near what he became with the Saints.
  5. Payton is a piece of poo but he's no idiot. He's looking for the right opportunity, not AN opportunity. I think Rhule went into his NFL candidacy with the cockiness that he can make it work anywhere. I mean, he's thinking if I can win at Temple and Baylor given those situations I can win anywhere, I'm just that damn good. What he forgot is that there aren't any "bad" teams in the NFL. That talent gap between the best team in the NFL and the worst team in the NFL is probably less than the talent gap between the #1 team in college football and the #10 team in college football (I mean, we all saw that national championship game) and Rhule couldn't beat any of the good teams in college. That's a problem in the NFL.
  6. Yes he is. And it's a damn shame that the richest country in the world needs people like this.
  7. Or some billionaire alum from some random school is just like, "fug it, I'm about to buy my alma mater a championship just because I fuging can."
  8. Tepper sent the bill to Rock Hill and when he found out they weren't picking up the tab he was just like, "Well, fug it. We aren't doing that poo then."
  9. I mean, it's really not a big deal by itself and I'd just shrug it off if we were a well ran organization. poo happens, whatever. But it's just par for the course for Tepper's Panthers and that's the problem.
  10. It would make sense for Wilson to want him. It would make sense for the Broncos to want him. They're already all in on Russell Wilson so they're either going to win with him over the next few years or they're just not gonna be winning. Barring some mid to late round draft miracles, the Broncos are fuged for the foreseeable future if Russ can't turn it around given what they have committed to him in future draft capital and salary cap.
  11. I would've assumed somewhere in rural central or eastern NC. Meanwhile, I witnessed this one yesterday near it's conclusion. Car was absolutely boiling smoke crawling down the street at maybe 15mph with 20+ cop cars right on his tail. Broski definitely hit the five star level on GTA with that one. https://news.yahoo.com/world-20-mile-police-chase-212805601.html
  12. Honestly, this is how it seems. When you have a guy waiting in the wings as the league's hand picked next owner everyone else just don't even bother bidding because we're gonna force the sell to this guy anyway, it ain't because they think that guy is gonna build a dynasty and kick their asses. Just sayin'.
  13. That's probably the work around. They're not technically being paid by the school so no Title IX issues.
  14. I don't know how they're gonna square this with Title IX. You're gonna have the starting QB of Alabama making $10M while the "star" women's softball pitcher is eating ramen. I don't know how that flies.
  15. Yeah, that's the big problem. College sports has basically turned into free agency where everyone is on a one year deal and there's no salary cap. That's an untenable situation.
  16. The NCAA is gonna have to figure out some type of framework for this stuff. I'm all for the players getting compensated but it can't be a wild west situation.
  17. It certainly seems this way. You'd think that would be a real eye opener for David Tepper considering that virtually every media outlet ranks the Panthers as the most desirable job opening. If we're getting passed up left and right, Tepper is basically left with himself as the only real reason why. Wealthy folks get really confused by problems they can't solve simply by throwing money at it.
  18. Other people call this actually having a moral compass. The fact that you'll never forgive some of our fans for having a moral compass says everything anyone needs to know about you.
  19. Literally every mod on this site has warned Juan for clickbait thread title multiple times. He knows it.
  20. Damn it, Juan. How many times do we have to earn you about these bullshit clickbait thread titles? I fixed it but one of these days you're gonna do this poo when one of us is having a bad day and get smoked.
  21. I haven't followed the NBA I'm years but that guy looks like a complete freak. He's like Giannis but even freakier. Like something produced in a lab specifically designed to dominate at basketball.
  22. I can actually root for a team coached by Steve Wilks. Can't say the same for a team coached by Sean Payton. So yeah, no brainer. I'd take Wilks all day everyday in this scenario.
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