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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Pretty disappointing to be honest, but I'm thrilled that it's not Sean Payton. All my Panthers gear was ready for a burn pile if it was.
  2. Honestly, what's to be mad about? I appreciate him clarifying this. He should've just made it a point to do this in a presser soon afterwards. But it's easy to fug up and then forget to go back and clean up the mess when you're in so far over your head that you're drowning. Rhule was out of his league and I think he knew it and he was just flailing.
  3. Is there any news worthy knowing in this 45 pages of bickering?
  4. If the Bears don't put that pick on the auction block they're crazy. That roster needs a lot of help. They don't need the #1 pick. They need a lot of picks.
  5. We want to go back to having a chance of having a really good team. Our history isn't one of mediocrity as much as it is one of being hit or miss. But at least we had some hits.
  6. Nah, just keep drafting defense. You can always get a QB next year. Been hearing this since we released Cam.
  7. Do you not have any equity in this property? Usually the closing costs just come out of the proceeds of the sell.
  8. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see them move on from Lance.
  9. Earned has nothing to do with it. The Niners are in a window right now and though Purdy has played very well for a 7th round pick QB is still their weakness. They're basically running an offense similar to our post-Rhule offense with Darnold. It's schemed to hide the QB as much as possible. If they have the opportunity to upgrade they will. I'll be surprised if Purdy is their starter next year. It'll either be Lance or Rodgers. They go back to their young QB they have a ton invested in or they bring in the aging but still elite Rodgers and move Lance to recoup some of the draft capital they've spent in trades to get guys like Lance and CMC. A lot of people are allowing the results on the field to sleep their perception of Purdy. When I watch the player instead of the team, I see a backup caliber QB in an ideal situation.
  10. Rodgers to the Niners next season makes a ton of sense and will be talk of the town when Purdy crashes and burns.
  11. Real talk, Dak Prescott sucks. His accuracy is best described as "spray and pray".
  12. Dak doing his best "Romo in the playoffs" impersonation tonight.
  13. It was blocked because it came out way too low. And it was likely gonna miss bad left anyway.
  14. The Cowboys' kicking game is just a disaster right now. That ball came out way too low. Like he was trying from 60+.
  15. He's definitely gonna be feeling pressure to go deeper in the playoffs next year. Losing is one thing. Getting thoroughly handled at home in weather conditions that are supposed to be a huge part of your home field advantage... oh wee mayne.
  16. You don't want to overreact due to one game, but Dorsey has been trash today and you have to be alarmed if you're the Bills by how a MASH unit OL has had their way with your DL.
  17. Bills kicking FGs, Bengals scoring TDs. Bills in desperation mode now.
  18. I mean, he threw 7 TDs all year. Let's be honest here.
  19. Watson is gonna have to fall off hard to try to argue Pickett over him. Then again, it looks like Watson may have fallen off hard so we'll see.
  20. Burrow feels really underrated. Dude took the Bengals to the SB last year beating Mahomes along the way. He's actually never lot a head to head matchup with Mahomes. Now he's outplaying Josh Allen to a 10 point lead at half. If they hold onto win this and beat the Chiefs again next week it might be time to start talking about Burrow challenging Mahomes' throne as the best QB in the league.
  21. Lived in CO 14 years. Had plenty of opportunities to be a Broncos fan if I wanted. Had box seats for several seasons through work. I'd go and watch the game on the field while watching the Panthers on TV.
  22. I've said I'm done as a Panthers fan for as long as he's here if he's the hire. I'm honestly not sure if I'd ever be back as a fan. Tepper has really turned me off over and over again.
  23. Been a fan for 20 years. Never been a fan of a team coached by a complete POS though and not gonna start now.
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