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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I don't doubt it. UNC was a lot more careful than the Caliparis of the world but those kids were definitely getting kickbacks from boosters, favors around town, etc. Yeah, Carolina steered clear of the guys who were just blatantly trying to go to the highest bidder in their forced pit stop along the way to the NBA once the NBA no longer allowed kids to jump straight from HS.
  2. I'm glad to see him land a good gig and wish him nothing but the best.
  3. This. Joe Mixon and Mike Evans had not just career games against our D post-Snow they had all-time great games.
  4. I also thought it was ironic he specifically mentioned Coach K as a guy who retired because he was above the fray. Yeah, the guy who made a career out of coaching up four year player types but then suddenly made an about face in his later years and became a one and done factory like Calipari was above the fray. LOL! Please...
  5. Accurate. College basketball was far and away my favorite sport growing up. I've been Carolina only for over a decade now. If Carolina isn't playing I'm not watching. The sport is a shadow of what it once was, even here in the heart of college basketball country.
  6. It's a poo show right now, no doubt about it. It's basically second tier pro sports with no contracts and no salary caps.
  7. All that talk about Ron switching to a 3-4 was just that. Talk. Nothing looked fundamental different about that defense.
  8. Whew. Thank goodness I read that wrong. When I read it as Horn to FS I was like "WTF???" LOL!
  9. Horn at FS? D-Jax learning two entirely different positions coming off an Achilles?
  10. He just had his best season and threw for 15 TDs. The guy y'all are trying to defend sucks.
  11. Purdy is probably going to miss pretty much the entire off-season. If Lance can't beat him out given that situation then the Niners just need to cut bait and trade him for whatever they can get.
  12. I think he can do either but I think he needs to add or lose 10-20 pounds depending on which role we want him to play.
  13. Awesome hire. Very happy about this. I wonder if it means we're moving to a 3-4 front? If so, I'm curious if we seen Brown as a NT or an end.
  14. Charlotte is nothing special. But Baltimore is a third world poo hole.
  15. Completely believable and understandable.
  16. Yeah, I'm sure the Bozemans do love it here. Gotta be a breath of fresh air to get out of that hell hole that is Baltimore.
  17. You turn the Panthers around by stopping trying to chase this one year turnaround. That's what we did under Rhule. All the whole we were talking about this 5 year plans our actions showed we were constantly seeking the instant turnaround. Find a QB to build around. Fortunately we have intriguing young talent at pretty much every other key position.
  18. I doubt he goes in early 3rd. He's gonna miss the whole off-season and preseason. His rookie year is basically gonna be a redshirt year and then you find out how well he bounces back from the injury.
  19. Makes sense. I always thought he was likely a 3rd rounder with a chance to maybe sneak into the late 2nd. Factor in the injury and yeah, 4th round sounds about right.
  20. Samuel was supposed to be that guy he just never really developed as a WR. Not developing WRs is kind of a long standing Panthers tradition.
  21. I love Corey and he was a fuging BALLER. I run into him weekly. But in terms of sheer athleticism this kid has him beat by a significant margin. Those teams were RIDICULOUS though. That was literally a D1 college team on a HS court and they were all homegrown kids. They were the highest ranked publicly team in the country
  22. I honestly think Ginn was who he always was, he just had more opportunities with us because we were so bad at WR. Most teams have others guys they'd rather target than a guy only catching 45% of his targets.
  23. I'm only looking at him as a stop gap and veteran mentor. Hell, he might even pull a Woodson and move over to FS. If Jackson's recovery is looking promising it's the exact type of bandaid we could benefit from both in the present and the future with him there to set an example for our youngsters. But I honestly doubt he'd have much interest in coming here.
  24. Do we? Ginn was our leading WR with barely over 700 yards while only catching 45% of his targets. Cotchery was an established vet known commodity. Funchess also caught less than 50% of his targets. Greg Olsen carried the receiving weight on that team. Meanwhile Cam won an MVP while our WRs left more potential yardage off the books than any other unit in the league.
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