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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Oh look, once again the Eagles fail to realize that the Chiefs might go outside on 3rd and short.
  2. I'm streaming this game on Roku and nearly had a stroke during that commercial. Like WTF is going on??? Am I sitting in the remote??? Oh no!!! LOL!!!
  3. Damn, what a hit. I guess you can spear guys in the chest with the helmet now even though a player damn near literally died from it just a few weeks ago.
  4. For years pushing a ball carrier from behind was not allowed. It's a relatively new development. I remember it being a big controversy when the Leinart/Bush USC team won when Leinart clearly pushed Bush from behind when that should've resulted in a penalty.
  5. I mean how do you stop it. Imagine prime Cam Newton and you can run rugby scrums. How do you stop it?
  6. Still very much to be decided, just like this game.
  7. It's been obvious for a while now but tired old tropes die hard.
  8. Doesn't hurt that ball carriers are slipping and falling every time they try to make a cut. You're not wrong, just saying.
  9. Oh look, more rugby scrums. Please put an end to that this poo. No more pushing the ball carrier. Make short yardage intriguing again.
  10. How do you blow a coverage THAT bad? And how do you not find a way to fall in the endzone there?
  11. Two requests from the league this off-season, both have played prominently in tonight's game. 1. Finally figure out how to define a catch so that every catch)no catch doesn't feel like a damn coin flip based on mood. 2. Stop this bullshit of just being able to bulldoze ball carriers across the line in what amounts to a rugby scrum.
  12. Oh, this game is very much still to be decided.
  13. Mahomes is great but every QB Reid coaches is great. Check his resume.
  14. Did they just say that voting was over for MVP already? WTF??? There's over 9 minutes to go in this game.
  15. I mean, I guess. But I honestly know nothing about him other than he's been in the league forever and went to Michigan.
  16. He's the best offensive football coach of all time. Best QB coach of all time for damn sure. The list of QBs he's coached reads like a who's who if HOF QBs. It's ridiculous.
  17. Butker right down the middle. KC has to breathe a sigh of relief seeing that. That was a big XP too. Big difference between up 7 and up 8 in the 4th.
  18. They did the same thing to them. Lol! The Eagles seemingly just forget that you can go wide on 3rd down inside the five.
  19. Oh poo. What a setup of that return to start left with the play designed to go right.
  20. Who else available would be a better option? Not being an ass, honest question.
  21. Goedert has caught EVERYTHING tonight. Damn.
  22. KC better hope this game doesn't come down to him making a kick. He's been shaky as fug tonight.
  23. Damn. What a play call. The Eagles didn't even consider anything going to the outside there.
  24. Sam showed me in his benching that he would be an ideal vet mentor. Great dude in the locker room. Great attitude. Seems like an ideal stopgap/mentor guy.
  25. They switched it out two weeks ago? My god, who approved THAT? New turf has no chance of getting properly rooted in that amount of time.
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