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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. We've been recruiting "shooters" for years who get to Chapel Hill and suddenly get inconsistent as hell. Somebody is fuging with these kids' shots when they get here. Recruit kids that can shoot and then leave their poo the fug alone. Meanwhile, Hubert isn't playing any of the guys he has signed as a head coach.
  2. The kids have fight. At least there's that.
  3. If you're UNC's AD how do you watch this game and not fire Hubert Davis? The contrast between how well these two teams are coached is stunning. If Davis hadn't been red hot in the 1st half we'd be down 20+. They are doubling the ball off the screen every single time and we have shown no signs of actually recognizing this. We just leave the ball handler to try to fight his way through a double team while everyone else just stands around watching. Send the screener to the rim. Leak the screener out for an open jumper. Do fuging SOMETHING other than hope to dribble through a double team.
  4. We're watching one boring but extremely well coached fundamental basketball team vs. pickup basketball. Maybe we should play sans jersey so that it has the true shirts vs. skins pickup game feel.
  5. It would help but it wouldn't fix the problem. Our problem is that our offense is four guys standing around watching one guy dribble and they just take turns being the guy dribbling.
  6. It's frustrating watching teams get easy buckets created by their offense while we just have to hope that we can hit tough, contested shots because the offense creates nothing.
  7. He should be coaching for his job TONIGHT. If this team doesn't show a LOT of fight down the stretch tonight I'd fire his ass. C'mon back to Chapel Hill, Jerry Stackhouse. That guy has actually proven he can coach.
  8. Just disappointing. The team that is clearly in the tourney is the team playing like they need to win this game to have a shot.
  9. Hubert talking about how we need more movement on offense. Bro... we haven't had any movement all fuging season. Coach them to move. If they don't move play somebody else. If the same thing keeps happening over and over with no changes it's on you.
  10. UVA basketball. We're inconsistent as hell but UVA basketball is consistently boring as hell. Bilas nailed it earlier tonight. UVA basketball is like "spending a couple of hours at the dentist office".
  11. At least there's a chance a UNC game will be exciting. An exciting UVA game is when they score 60.
  12. Thank god for RJ Davis tonight. Without him I don't know how we'd score at all.
  13. Bennett and UVA definitely took a page out of K's book. Just hack and hold constantly. The refs won't call them all. As I type the whistles have finally started to blow.
  14. It's really easy to defend a team that doesn't actually run an offense. Just roll the ball out there and hope your guys are simply better. Awesome job, Hubert.
  15. It's been like this for about four years now. The fluke championship game run last year is the only thing from keeping this from being the worst stretch of basketball in UNC history.
  16. UVA's hack line defense is always ugly though.
  17. We make more unforced turnovers simply passing the ball around the perimeter than any team I've ever seen. It has a lot to do with the subpar record.
  18. This is ugly basketball. At least they suck too so far.
  19. Does it though? There will probably end up being one of these guys who ends up standing head and shoulders above the rest. What may seem like a difficult decision now will probably end up being a no brainer in hindsight.
  20. Kid has ridiculous bounce. Freedom has had some skywalkers. Danny Johnson who went to Clemson before transferring to College of Charleston because Rick Barnes was an asshole had a 46" vertical. Wesley Ervin was a human highlight reel at 5'9". Leon Johnson (UNC RB) was an athletic phenom. Jermaine Martin was like Wesley Ervin lite. But this kid might top them all in terms of just pure freak athleticism.
  21. Oh yeah, I've been saying that Corral is no lol to make the roster. If it's true we're shopping him for anything then we've basically already determined he's just simply not a part of our plans.
  22. I'd rather keep him than practically give him away. He's on a cheap rookie contract. But if the new staff has studied up on his college tape and don't think he's worth messing with than I guess anything is better than nothing.
  23. I'd rather do something to keep my job now even if it means maybe get fired in two years versus getting fired now for not doing the thing.
  24. Agents were probably really nervous thinking Lamar night land a sweet deal without an agent. Now Lamar has actually turned into their #1 sales pitch on why a player needs an agent.
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