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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Chargers' safety Nasir Adderly retires at 25 strongly hinting at long-term brain health concerns. 2019 2nd round pick who has started 44 games for them.
  2. He's somewhere in that mountain of trash along with all the rest of them.
  3. I'm pretty sure the media is probably going to project us picking all four of the top QB prospects between now and draft day. You can't be wrong if you predict everything! Just buckle up, enjoy the ride, and don't fall in love with any particular prospect.
  4. I think so too but I think he would've likely had a David Boston type career. Ultimately he just didn't have the dog in him to last long-term. He would've eventually hit a bump in the road and whatever it was it was gonna derail him. Unfortunately, he got the double whammy of blowing out his knee and losing his mom so the derail came fast and hard.
  5. He was their 4th leading receiver this year.
  6. Smitty definitely wasn't a great teammate, but it's not like any of those WRs we had during those years went on to do anything else outside of Carolina. He was notoriously hard on the young WRs but on that particular "bad teammate" issue he may have been right. Those dudes just didn't want it. It wasn't a lack of talent, it was a lack of desire. From Colbert to Jarrett to LaFell to KB to Funchess. We had WR talent over the years, we just didn't have any talent that was hungry to be great. It wasn't a lack of drafting the right talent, it was that we drafted the wrong men.
  7. Yep. A big part of it is that we've always had a defensive focused coaching staff.
  8. It's just really bad. Jacking threes or driving and flailing. The traditional post game and midrange game is practically dead. Defense is hacking and grabbing counting on the refs not to be able to call it all and flopping if the offense makes any contact. Golden State ruined the game for the time being. You can't efficiently run that offense without some of the greatest shooters of all time sharing the court.
  9. Pretty unbelievable that we've really only drafted and developed three legit starting NFL WRrs in Smitty, Moose, and DJ in 30 years. We average one a decade.
  10. I honestly just don't find basketball all that entertaining these days without emotional attachment. Sucks, because basketball was by far and away favorite sport growing up. The modern version of the game just isn't very good if I'm being honest.
  11. I hope so. I'm hoping the staff sees some serious untapped potential in our current guys. We certainly seem to be operating as if they do.
  12. No. I've pretty much watched only UNC in basketball for a decade or so now. If UNC isn't playing I'm pretty much not watching.
  13. When you talk poo you deserve to get it back when you faceplant. UNC fans accepted that we sucked weeks if not months ago.
  14. What am I missing with Elijah Moore? He's had two very mediocre seasons. Why should we be jumping to trade for him?
  15. I'm just making fun of the UVA fans for all the poo they talked then their team shits the bed in the tourney. It's hilarious.
  16. at UVA Their fans sure were squawking when they ended our tourney hopes then they go and lose to a 13 seed. They did win a championship with Bennett but other than that they're best known under him for putting viewers to sleep from boredom and being on the wrong side of historic NCAA tourney upsets. Nothing will ever top them getting throttled by a 16 seed. I always knew a 16 would beat a 1 eventually but I figured it'd be some crazy buzzer beater in OT or something and just feel overall flukey as hell. But no, that game looked like a typical 1 vs. 16 game, the roles were just reversed.
  17. If we can land a legit vet and take another promising WR in the draft then I'll fell okay at WR. Seems pretty clear that it's not going to be a great unit next year outside of some shocking development by players currently on the roster landing a steal in the draft, or swinging a surprising deal for a vet but maybe they at least won't be awful.
  18. Just drop it and move on. Good grief. If y'all want to argue about what grown ass adult choose to put in their bodies go to the TB.
  19. #1 overall pick at QB should net us at least one primetime game
  20. Don't make petty post reports while doing the same thing even worse was more of a PSA than a personal statement. But you're right, I should've framed that better.
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