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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Rivers was the #4 pick though, not #2.
  2. This kinda terrifies me. For a guy who was a former QB himself, it seems like Orlovsky is pretty much always wrong about QB prospects.
  3. Because he's likely to be a high first round pick and make millions of dollars. Come back next year and not make a significant leap and it would significantly hurt his stock. Come back next year and suffer a significant injury and it might tank his stock. When millions of dollars are on the table, cash the check.
  4. If he looked good enough to fetch a 3rd we should keep him.
  5. If the coaching staff checks out his college tape and thinks that he'll make a good backup, sure. If not, no. It sure seems like he's even less than an afterthought though. Sure seems like they've looked at the tape and pretty much decided he's simply not part of the plans moving forward.
  6. Every draft pick is a roll of the dice. The idea of a "can't miss prospect" is a total myth. There's always going to be some significant uncertainty when you're projecting a guy to the next level of competition. A lot of 5 star recruits fail to pan out in college. A lot of NBA lottery picks bust. A lot of NFL 1st round picks bust. It's just the way it is. There are no sure things.
  7. It'd be pretty shitty of Belichick to just scapegoat the guy since he literally had a career defensive coach operating as an OC. I mean, would you cut a TE because he sucked at LB? Well, Bill Belichick probably would.
  8. Yeah, that seems like a major reach in the 3rd round. I get that he has good measurables but he didn't really do much of anything in terms of actual product. At Army. Late round flier? Okay. I can get onboard with that. Top 100 pick? Nah.
  9. Well, damn. Never thought this would likely come down to AR vs. Levis but here we are. David Newton has never been right about anything.
  10. It would be awesome to have Richardson if for no other reason than the AR-15 nickname.
  11. Dude can play. No doubt about it. It comes down to whether or not he can stay healthy at the NFL level. He's the Bryce Young of this year's WRs.
  12. I mean, he's made about $38M so far. Even after Uncle am's generous cut that's far more money than the vast majority of Americans will ever see.
  13. Honestly, I just don't see the Wonderlic being a very good predictor of on the field processing. Yeah, it's a timed test but what's happening on an NFL field is happening MUCH faster than what it replicated in the Wonderlic. I can absolutely see it as being a good indicator of learning the playbook, pre-snap reads, etc. but actual processing speed and ability on the field? I just don't see it. If anything, my gut feel based on absolutely nothing concrete is that the smarter a person is the more likely it is for them to struggle to switch off that consciously thinking portion of their brain to revert to the instinct mode that you have to be able to fall back on once the ball is snapped. It doesn't matter how smart you are and how quick minded you are, if you're trying to consciously think through it and process information after the ball is snapped you're going to be too slow. It has to be instinctual.
  14. Pretty much this. I'm not really sure how proficient it is at predicting NFL success or even judging intelligence as is relevant to the game of football, but it's a piece of information.
  15. Hubert is gonna have to learn how to manage an actual rotation or we're going to be very active in the transfer portal losing guys left and right while trying to scrounge together a roster for as long as he lasts here. When your starting five is playing 35+ minutes it basically only leaves 25 minutes to go around for your entire bench. Guys aren't gonna stand for that in the transfer portal era. If they aren't getting PT they're gonna be gone. You'll never find out what they could've developed into because you never gave them a legit opportunity and now they're gone. Tyler Nickel was the all time leading scorer in VA HS basketball and we couldn't find any minutes for him with our starters building brick houses. Styles flat out admitted he was nervous as hell on the court because he knew any mistake might means he never gets off the bench again. Everyone on the bench was basically on the shortest of leashes but the starters just had carte blanche to do whatever. Go out there and go 3-21 and turn the ball over 6 times while playing matador defense. Keep it up!
  16. This Brown kid reminds me of a guy I got paired up with on the golf course back in CO. Before my daughter was born if I could wrap up work for the day a bit early I'd bang out a round of golf in the afternoon as a solo so I'd get paired up with randos doing the same. This particular guy was huge. Like 6'5" 250 in really good shape huge. Over the round talking I found out he played college football. He went to Brown. He basically said that he knew he was a good athlete but he also knew he definitely had no future in football beyond college. He also knew he was a good student but not necessarily good enough to get into top schools on academics alone. But the combo of football and academics could get him into a school he had no business getting into without football. That's how he ended up at Brown. He said he had zero chance at getting into an Ivy League school without football but at the same time he'd be insane to turn down the chance to get an Ivy League degree to go play football at Northern Colorado or Utah State or some of the other similar scholarship offers he was getting. More kids should think like that. Seems like everyone getting D1 attentions thinks he's gonna go pro. A lot of these guys need to realize it's a means to an end. Sports ain't gonna pay the bills and put food on your table unless you're the elite of the elite.
  17. I hate that Love is entering the portal. But I do think it's the best for him. I honestly figured he'd enter the draft and go G League. He'll get an NIL bag somewhere though. I hope he kills it and has an NBA career. I'll always love that kid for ending K's career properly both in the regular season home closer and the Final Four. Dude was a stud when he was on he just never found consistency and Hubert's contract greenlight just wasn't helping him develop.
  18. 8th or 9th on the depth chart might as well not even get a jersey with Hubert's "rotations".
  19. I was open to the possibility of signing Carr as a FA. It's not like I was pounding the table for the guy. Before his release I said there's no way I'd trade for him. If Lamar had been a FA I would've had the same take on him. The situations are not the same.
  20. Lamar Jackson's playoff stats https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/lamar-jackson-playoff-stats#:~:text=Lamar Jackson has a passer,the playoffs in his career.
  21. Hopefully. But I honestly think there's a decent chance he's not even on the roster this year.
  22. Fitts still talks about Henderson as if he's a legit starter. It's weird. The dude has lived in the burn trauma unit his entire career.
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