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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It's always interesting the players you come after and the players you defend. There's definitely commonalities.
  2. This. I think a lot of people have forgotten because of how good he turned out to be right away that Cam was considered a project too.
  3. Yeah, we've talked about this quite a bit. For a #1 overall pick, we're actually a really good situation. Very experienced, offensive minded coaching staff. Good OL. Good vet RB. Solid vet receiving TE. Good vet slot receiver. Yeah, the WR corps is the weak link of the offense on paper but still... compared to the situation a #1 overall pick typically walks into this is a damn good one.
  4. I honestly wasn't super high on Lawrence either. Don't get me wrong, I thought he was a good prospect and a worthy #1 overall pick but I didn't get the hype about him being the generational type prospect that he was touted to be by most of the media. He impressed me in the 2nd half against the Chargers in the playoffs this year. After having quite possibly the worst half I've ever seen a QB play in the 1st half (and honestly that's not an exaggeration) he bounced back big time in the 2nd half and led the Jags to (an admittedly undeserved) win. That game showed me the guy is gonna make it.
  5. Just seems like a guy with his measurables should've been dominating against Old Dominion competition. He really only had one good game against decent competition when he caught 6 passes for 83 yards against UVA. He caught 1 pass for 3 yards against Liberty. 2 for 12 against VT. 0 catches against ECU. 3 for 19 against Wake. His best games were both in '21. 9 catches for 102 yards and a TD against Florida International and 9 catches for 119 yards against Western Kentucky. But... FIU had the 126th (out of 130) ranked defense in the country. WKU wasn't much better at #92.
  6. I'm just gonna be completely honest. I don't care what these people think about literally anything.
  7. I know it's not gonna happen but I really wish we'd just come out and say who we're picking so that I could start convincing myself that guy is gonna be great and all these other guys are gonna bust.
  8. I think we're decently positioned to take BPA. But yeah, the folks who act like CB would be a luxury pick... I just don't know what they're thinking. Horn looks like a stud, but the guy has only played in 16 of a possible 33 games so far in his career and Jackson is trying to come back from an injury that has pretty much ended careers of significantly better players, so yeah...
  9. He's not wrong. But "what they're thinking about" is very obvious. Viewer ratings.
  10. I honestly don't think Carr was ever high on the priority list. It was more one of those things that if the market for him had turned out way softer than he and most others thought it would be then maybe we'd revisit that possibility. With the staff we've assembled it looks like plan A was always the draft. This is the type of offensive coaching staff you build when your primary plan is to draft and develop a rookie QB.
  11. It took all my restraint not to tap out at about 10am today and go trout fishing. I'll go Sunday.
  12. This. I'd like to go to the draft if it was local and convenient but it's honestly not something I'm willing to travel to do.
  13. Yep. The guy just isn't an OC. I do credit him for helping Cam transition to the NFL but I can't help but wonder what we could've gotten out of Cam if we'd had a guy like Norv Turner take over and Chudzinski was hired away by the Browns.
  14. I honestly don't think it's that simple. There's a reason why Mike Shula has never had another OC opportunity. The guy simply could not adjust on the fly at all. Cam in his prime floated that turd as a play caller and I think the NFL at large knows this.
  15. How much time a day do you think he spends on that dumbass hair?
  16. I mean, it's his butt fumble. Unfortunately it's the only thing anyone remembers from his playing career.
  17. Proof: https://youtu.be/J0OkR986LL4 Its rare to do something so colossally stupid in sports to get a "that poor guy" out of an announcer. Legit pity.
  18. Now Matt Corral finds himself in damn near the same scenario.
  19. It's hard to be a leader when everyone can see that you shouldn't even be in the NFL... and won't be for long.
  20. I can't recall ever hearing anything negative about Clausen in that regard while he was here. Seemed like a guy who did everything the coaches asked him to do and simply wasn't good enough. I don't recall him ever being a prick. Wilson has way more talent but the guy is an entitled prick.
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