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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I don't think it's very accurate at all overall IMO. I just think back to the Cam era. Madden had to incorporate read option in order to even begin to replicate the Panthers' offense but there were only a handful of read option plays in the playbook. Realistically, I bet at a third of our passing plays in those days involved some aspect of read option and a third might be conservative.
  2. It cleared up here around 10pm last night. The wife and I sat out on the deck for about an hour but there was no Aurora to be seen. Saw a bunch of satellites but that was it.
  3. I hope so. That'd be awesome. I hope he understands the work that will be involved in it. I like the prospect. I think he was a good pick and has a lot of potential. But he's obviously a long ways from being Greg Olsen right now as a 4th round rookie. Shoring up his blocking is going to be key to getting on the field early. I sure hope he's our best receiving TE already.
  4. I mean, if you don't realize what it is that's what you'd think. I randomly got lucky as hell down at Hunting Island in SC and caught a Space X rocket launch while chilling on the beach drinking a beer at night. Now THAT was wild. They look like this It took me a few seconds to realize what it was but at first I didn't know whether to pray, poo myself, or just enjoy the last few moments of human civilization. LOL
  5. Yep, I got really lucky and saw it too. I went out on the deck for a second to see if I could see the aurora and caught them coming over. Just pure luck.
  6. Of all the times when I've been living in CO or VA and we were supposed to potentially be able to see the aurora I've never seen them. The times I've been to AK and you've supposed to have been able to see them it's been cloudy. I drove damn near to Talkeetna from Anchorage one night to try to find some clear sky and struck out. Who would've thunk it that I'd finally see them in fuging North Carolina. Off my deck: From a buddy across town with a helluva lot better camera:
  7. Every year there's gonna be a handful of significant UDFAs. Somebody has to luck into them. Devalued positions are a good place to look for them.
  8. At least there's no risk with a UDFA. Yeah, he was probably just a big fish in a small pond and that won't translate to the NFL. But hey, it's worth a kick of the tires.
  9. Brady wasn't surrounded by near the supporting cast that Purdy is. Not even close. The Dolphins are the only other team in the league that's even in the conversation of ha ong that type of overall offensive talent. And I don't see anyone trying to put Tua as a top two or three QB and rightfully not. Trying to put Brock Purdy ahead of guys like Lamar, Burrow, and Allen is just absurd in it's face.
  10. I was rooting for him but unfortunately an Achilles injury is an absolute career derailer for a lot of guys. I have a strong suspicion that Cousins' recovery process from his Achilles likely played a significant role in them panic overdrafting Penix. I bet there's a lot of concerns they've dumped a ton of money into damaged goods. They just put in a waiver claim on another QB too. They seem to be in pure panic mode.
  11. Brock Purdy #2 is just hilarious. Literally no one else in that top 10 would trade their guy for Brock Purdy
  12. I mean, everyone enjoys a great record against Tepper's Panthers.
  13. Well, no poo. We've only had two good ones. One thanks to y'all.
  14. If the right deal came along I would consider buying a GT500. That's a badass car that I need like a hole in the head.
  15. Tepper needs to develop a lot more patience but if Bryce doesn't show that he at least has the actual physical tools to succeed then this isn't the time to all of a sudden develop patience.
  16. I think he'll have marginal improvement and we'll be a run of the mill bad team picking somewhere around the fringes of the top 10 which might be the worse case scenario. I'd greatly prefer he either boom or bust. Show me something. Show me you can be the guy or just suck ass and let's move on and get it over with.
  17. Hey, it's not Dave throwing drinks on a fan or harassing local restauranteurs so I guess that's an improvement.
  18. We'd still suck. At least now we have 16 Bryce games under our belt. If he doesn't show significantly more promise this year it'll be time to move on.
  19. I guarantee you that I can assemble an NFL roster that will finish last in the league. Hell, my dog can do that.
  20. He's basically Sam Darnold minus the prototypical NFL QB build.
  21. A Ford GT is probably my ultimate dream car. 1970 Chevelle 454SS Chevelle probably number 2A. 1969 Boss 429 Mustang number 2B. I know where my 2B sits right now about three miles from here in a garage under a tarp. It's been there my whole life. They've probably fielded a thousand strong offers for it over the years and it still sits there. If I ever win the lottery I'm gonna knock on that door and not leave without the keys.
  22. Their was a Veyron in my two in Colorado. I would've rather had the Ford GT though. We lived half a mile off the highway and you could still hear that thing open up sitting in the living room watching TV. That was a badass car. You can have the Bugatti if I can have the GT. LOL
  23. I watch a ton of ACC football and I'm gonna be honest with you... I didn't even know who Braden Fiske was until he did really well at the underwear Olympics.
  24. Draft grades are just something for the media to talk about. Not gonna lie, not super excited about our draft but we'll see how they turn out.
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