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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Repeated past shoulder sprains? That's a concern. Yeah, it's good that he's bounced back quickly but these things have a cumulative effect. Remember when Cam had ankle surgery to "tighten" ligaments? Yeah, that was from repeated sprains. Every time you suffer a sprain you're damaging ligaments and creating wear and tear and scar tissue.
  2. Day 3 picks are about two type of players IMO. Elite athletes that need skill development and elite players who have questionable athleticism at the next level. Both are risks but in the opposite direction. But that's the thing with day three picks - they all have quote a few warts. You're looking for diamonds in the rough. Most of these guys won't have long NFL careers. Try to find guys who can add something to your roster in the short term while they're on dirt cheap nearly cap negligible contracts and if they turn out to be more great.
  3. I hope to see a lot of guys moving around and playing multiple roles. We have plenty of guys with positional versatility and IMO the more you give the other team to think about the better off you are as long as you ensure that certain alignments aren't tipping your hand.
  4. It just feels like copium. When Jake or Cam got smoke by a DL I was concerned but I fully expected them to bounce right back up. If we draft Bryce I'm gonna be holding my breath every time he gets smoked by a DL because he's gonna be taking hits on the regular from dudes that outweigh him by 100 pounds. There's a reason you don't see Smart cars in demolition derbies.
  5. You see the same thing with Jake. People act like he was just some dude out of the stands physically. When he showed out at the skills challenge at the Pro Bowl it clearly showed otherwise.
  6. Yeah, I see people downplay Luke's physical talent quite a bit. The dude was a freak. You get a Luke type player when you combine elite physical and elite mental traits.
  7. I was mainly talking about the 7 vs. 9 cosplay or whatever. What even is that? Both of them though?
  8. You seem to know quite a bit about some pretty suspect stuff.
  9. Burns. Brown and Chinn are the ones I'm unsure about. Ideally, I honestly think Brown is best as a 4-3 DT and Chinn is a cover 3 strong safety. But we'll see how it turns out.
  10. It triggers folks, but this is a big part of why I think Chinn could very well be traded. Bell is a very similar player and like Fitts said, you can't pay everyone. If we can move Chinn to recoup some of those trade assets we had to give up to get to #1 or get help at a more pressing spot I think we'll do it. I don't necessarily like that, but it's the type of thing you sometimes have to do in a hard salary cap league. Burns, Brown, and Horn just play more valuable positions. Part of roster management is assessing your roster for redundancies and using those redundancies in trades to gather assets to address weaknesses. Chinn is going to be a really good player for a long time in the league, I'm just not sure if it's gonna be here.
  11. I honestly think Young is better than Teddy at everything on a football field.
  12. After seeing Russ in Denver and Geno in Seattle, Pete Carroll is quite obviously a QB whisperer. Maybe not on Andy Reid's level, but definitely damn good. Which is wild for a career defensive coach.
  13. It's true. Him being high on AR and low on Young makes me question my sanity. I wouldn't even say I'm "high" on AR. I'm high on his athletic potential. His mental makeup is a complete unknown to me. My only concern with Young is his size. I think his arm is NFL average at best but I think he's good enough mentally that he can figure it out. I just don't know if he can figure out how to take a walloping from 280+ pound NFL freak athlete DL.
  14. Yeah, his evaluation IMO comes completely down to what you think he has between the ears and how coachable he is because if he can adapt to the NFL from a playbook and reading a defense perspective and work on some technical flaws to become more consistent as a passer then he's gonna be the best NFL QB out of this class.
  15. I hope he blows up in this new D and gets paid big time. That means he's become elite.
  16. It was just the first game I'd watched of his.
  17. This is a devastating blow to the Young contingent if you're at all familiar with David Newton's track record. If there's a worse team beat reporter out there I'm unaware of him or her.
  18. This. They landed two of the most slam dunk #1 overall picks of my lifetime. People say tanking doesn't exist but that team 100% tanked for Andrew Luck.
  19. It's not that simple. The game that made me a Richardson believer was his game against FSU. He went 9/27 in that game. So why did it make me a believer? Because I don't think I've ever seen a QB throw so many catchable balls to receivers who couldn't catch a damn thing. Richardson's state sheet lies if you watch the games. Yeah, he needs to get more consistent. But he's not nearly as bad of a thrower of the football as you'd expect just looking at the stats.
  20. Where's the data on QBs who are Bryce Young's size? It's not that he's undersized in that he's just smaller than ideal. It's that he's historically small for the position.
  21. David Tepper is. He desperately wants a megastar QB.
  22. Supposedly he was the target when we were targeting the #3 overall pick in a trade up. If you're sold enough on him to trade up to #3 for him you should probably be sold on him enough to take him at #1.
  23. I think it would be exciting as hell. It would mean that our very experienced staff thinks he had what it takes between the ears to maximize his immense talents in the NFL and that they can get him there.
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