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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. My big concern with Williams as an NFL prospect is his processing speed. He would've had one of the slowest average times to throw in the NFL last year. If he can't speed up he probably won't translate.
  2. Yeah, there's nothing about his mentality that I question. All of my questions come down to his physical traits. He's well below ideal size and his arm is honestly NFL average.
  3. That's what makes Mahomes special though. Without his hose I'm not sure if Mahomes' game works. That's my concern with Young outside of the obvious size concerns.
  4. I like him as a player. I really do. It's just that his fanboys calling him Mahomes lite don't seem to realize that he's Mahomes REALLY lite. There aren't many of Mahomes' highlights that Young can duplicate. He just doesn't have that level of arm talent. Yeah, he can generate velocity and go deep but he has to have the time and space to wind up and step into it.
  5. Yeah, that's my point. You can't get elite QB talent when you want them to just turn around and hand the ball off.
  6. The one thing all of those throws have in common is that he has plenty of time and plenty of room in a clean pocket to wind up and step into the throw. I don't know if he can go deep in the NFL with pressure in his face. Stylistically, I get the Mahomes comparison. But the big difference is Mahomes doesn't require that time and space to step in and wind up to generate velocity and/or go deep. Young can't do this.
  7. I honestly can't comment on Mahomes as a prospect. I just wasn't paying any attention to QBs in the draft at that time. Cam was 27 years old and a year removed from being the NFL MVP.
  8. Having three straight decades of first ballot HOF QB play and only getting two rings out of it is some pretty significant underperformance.
  9. Where did I say he wasn't a pocket passer? I said that scrambling is a big part of his game. Because it is.
  10. That handoff was horrible but it looks like someone screwed up there before the handoff occurred. Looked like Young expected the RB to be on his right hand instead he was on his left. One of them was wrong and so everything was out of sync. RB had to slow down, Young had to readjust. Play was fuged from jump street. That's the type of poo that happens when you try to do something on game day that you likely rarely practice.
  11. It comes down to scheme. If you want to run a lot of snaps from under center you're probably not high on Bryce Young. If you plan on primarily operating out of the gun then you probably don't really care anyway.
  12. It's very obvious if you watch any Bama games at all over the years. Bama transitioned from an old school ground and pound I formation power running team that wanted to run the ball and only throw when they felt they had to a full on spread offense slinging the ball all over the field seemingly overnight. And yeah, you gotta give Saban props for that. He's an old school defensive coach. I'm sure he'd prefer to play his old way. But he saw where the game was going and knew that if he wanted to keep getting elite offensive recruits he was going to have to evolve with the game and play the style of ball those kids were going to be attracted to.
  13. I feel like we probably ran as much or more shotgun as anyone when we had Cam. It honestly felt like Cam was what kicked off the mobile QB in the shotgun fad that has swept across the league. The haters don't wanna admit it, but that dude changed the way the QB position is played in the NFL.
  14. All I'm saying is that if you had to put money down on who gets up off the turf after an identical hit a 185 pound dude or a 240 pound dude who are you betting on? Now maybe Young is just better at avoiding big hits and/or maybe he's just blessed with genetics that make him naturally more durable. I don't know. It reminds me of all the folks who point to studies that show that punches with boxing gloves deliver just as much energy to the target as punches with smaller, far less padded MMA gloves. But I guarantee that if you took those same science nerds who did those studies and stand by their results and instead put it to them this way: "I'm gonna put on one of these two gloves and punch you in the face as hard as I can. Pick one." Every single one of them would reluctantly reach for that heavily padded boxing glove.
  15. If it was Levis I'd hope for the best but I'd anticipate watching quite a bit of Sam Howell in coming years while awaiting the next Panthers reset.
  16. I don't think you draft players to try to fundamentally change who they are. Clean up technical flaws and develop them? Sure. But I don't think you draft them to try to stylistically change them.
  17. Big difference between college and the NFL. I know it triggers the SEC fanboys but it's true.
  18. But he does run. That's part of my concern. A big part of his game is scrambling around buying time and getting himself into throwing lanes. That tends to lead to more hits. He's similar to Mahomes in that regard. He rarely runs for rushing yardage but he does plenty of scrambling around behind the LOS.
  19. That's the thing though. If you think AR has what it takes mentally then there might not be a better prospect available. Are Young and Stroud better QBs right now? Yeah, I think that's fair to say. Will they be better QBs in 3 years? 5 years? That I'm a lot less confident about. If Richardson hits he's gonna be a STUD. It just comes down to what you think he has between the ears and how hard you think he's willing to work on his craft which are the types of things us fans get virtually no insight into.
  20. I honestly just don't see that being much of a concern. Baseball pitchers throw a LOT more balls and every throwing motion they make is at 100%. A QB is throwing at 100% of his capability very rarely.
  21. This. Watching Chinn wasted dropping deep the majority of the time was just a waste of two years of his career. He can do it. That doesn't mean it should be his primary responsibility. It would be like having an elite man cover CB and playing him primarily in zone. You're just misusing your talent
  22. Sorry, my bad. Seems like the "I'm comfortable in my masculinity" crowd can't take a joke. That's... interesting. I guess the comfort has its limits.
  23. Gotcha. Yeah, start talking about cosplay and I'm just way out of my element.
  24. I don't know any specifics. I have never heard of 7 vs. 9 or whatever that is. It's very strange to me but to each their own.
  25. Wait... what? We're talking about players currently on the roster.
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