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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Find out who has the best coverage in the area then find out who has an MVNO using that network that way you can get the best coverage for a fraction of the price. It's Verizon in western NC so I use Spectrum Wireless to get Verizon coverage at a fraction of Verizon pricing.
  2. The biggest problem in Washington was Bieniemy. First year starting QB and a poor pass blocking OL and your plan is to throw the ball at the highest percentage rate in the NFL? Yikes.
  3. NIL will ultimately probably mean the end of non-revenue generating college athletics. To be able to compete in the revenue sports you're going to have to cut out all the programs that are losing money for your school.
  4. Exactly. I was dumbfounded when folks legitimately tried to argue leading up to the draft that Bryce was having to carry inferior talent at ALABAMA. Even in a "down" year at Bama they absolutely have a top 10, probably a top 5 overall roster in terms of overall talent and depth of talent. There was maybe 2-3 times in Bryce's entire college career where his team wasn't the overall most talented team in the field.
  5. Probably not in the history but certainly in the modern NFL where they've made life a lot easier on QBs than it used to be when you could beat the hell out of them and the WRs both.
  6. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not defending our receivers. They were an overall bad group. But I think of you took that group and put an elite QB with them we would've seen significantly different results. The Bryce Young we saw last year... man, I'm not sure any receiver group could salvage that. You'd need a Niners or Dolphins type situation where the entire overall offensive talent is great and there's a wiz designing the offense and calling the plays. We need every aspect of our offense to be a lot better this year.
  7. Yeah, I'm really bummed about Maye going to NE. It was definitely the worst of the likely potential destinations for him. I was hoping the Vikings would pull the trigger on a leap up to #3.
  8. Cousins and Jones are such dink and dunkers. Sadly, so was Bryce. He just managed to also be the least efficient passer in the NFL while doing so which is a pretty extraordinary accomplishment.
  9. Yep. It's definitely not where I'd ideally want to land as a WR. Hell, just objectively speaking we're probably the least desirable location in the league, period. We've just been a poo show of losing, organizational chaos, coaching changes, QB carousel, and dysfunction since Tepper started "putting his stamp on the football side of the organization" starting in his second year of ownership. I'm not sure that I needed to add that "probably" qualifier. I think we definitely are.
  10. This chart posted above by @CPF4LIFE checks out versus the eye test IMO. I was going to quote the post but it was a mess trying to crop out that individual tweet on a phone browser. That chart basically screams what I saw on the field last year which was the worst starting QB in the NFL by a considerable margin and basically run of the mill bad receivers. The combination of the two yielded predictable abysmal results.
  11. Is this where Bryce apologizing has gotten to? LOL! We're now blaming receivers for not performing miracles on the field and pulling off the impossible.
  12. Ewers will be interesting this season. I realize it's Texas and in the NIL era they can reload at will but they still lost a 1st round WR, a 2nd round WR and RB, and a 4th round TE. That's a LOT.
  13. I'm willing to give him basically a second rookie year and show us something but my expectations honestly couldn't be much lower. I guess we'll see. I'd be thrilled to be wrong.
  14. Look like a legitimate NFL QB. I don't care about stats or even wins right now. Just show me something. Either show me that you can be the guy or show me that we need to move on.
  15. Agreed. I'm just saying that I have no statistical yardsticks I'm putting up. I don't really care what the stats and wins say. I care about what he LOOKS like. Even if we suck and the stats don't look great I want to see him making the lost of what's out there. Last year the offense overall sucked but it also very much felt like Bryce was a big part of the suck. There weren't many plays where you felt like "oh thank God we had Bryce Young at QB there to make chicken salad out of chicken poo". We saw that a handful of times all last year maybe. With a promising rookie QB in a bad situation you're going to see that a handful of times every week. You can get a game's worth of highlights out of Bryce's entire rookie season.
  16. Pretty much. I'm basically treating Bryce as a rookie again this coming season in that I have no stats expectations, no wins expectations, I'm just looking for him to pass the eye test. Just show me that you have the talent to be a legit NFL QB.
  17. I have deep concern that the answer might be both. Reich did a terrible job of catering to Bryce while Bryce just flat out didn't look like he had starting NFL talent.
  18. That's kinda what I thought when Rhule got fired but then Tepper was like I just hope that we've actually found true rock bottom this time and we're ready to trend upwards.
  19. I just hope Tepper has more patience with Canales. He has legit NFL experience but he's a first time HC. There also needs to be a realization that if Bryce doesn't look significantly better this year it's time to move on at QB.
  20. You also have to consider the average user of their product vs. the time and effort involved in building a playbook. How many Madden players are legitimately looking for the absolute best, most accurate football simulation they can get? Most want a somewhat accurate representation that's entertaining. They're building a video game for entertainment, not trying to build a perfect football simulator. Personally, I'd greatly prefer the latter but I also understand that I'm a tiny sliver of a minority that isn't financially worth catering to. It is what it is.
  21. Well, obviously. I think they just watch the games and then try to build a playbook that vaguely resembles the offense that coach runs.
  22. Possibly. I just have to think that the Panthers were open with him during the interview process about being very interested to making a move on a rookie QB in the draft. Maybe they weren't open about aggressively looking to move up? Maybe Reich thought he'd also be able to get a vet stop gap? I don't know. I don't think he's as wildly incompetent as Panthers fans want to make him out to be though. I just think everything about last year's organization was a mismatched clusterfug and was destined for disastrous results.
  23. I'm left with two possible conclusions here. One, Reich just saw a sucker in Tepper and hit him up for a check to ride into retirement on. Two, Reich took the job expecting a different QB to be the pick probably through his influence of the draft process. He and Bryce seemed like a major mismatch from the get go. Unless he was just looking for one last payday I really don't think he would've taken the job if he felt like Bryce would ultimately be the pick. There was a lot of talk about Reich always preferring QBs with good size and big arms. Now granted, all else being equal who doesn't? But it was always talked about that Bryce was basically the physical antithesis of what Reich had historically preferred at QB. Hell, maybe it was a little bit of both. I can get this newbie owner to give me a pile of money based on my experience because his woefully inexperienced coach flopped horribly and then hopefully I can influence the draft process to get the QB I want. If not, oh well. At least I got paid! LOL
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