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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Parcells isn't exactly wrong but he's likely swayed by his experience as a coach. That was a different era with virtually no QB protections. He's probably imagining Lawrence Taylor coming screaming around the corner and straight up choke slamming him and now he's gotta attend a funeral.
  2. Filling it in ain't gonna be cheap either and then you don't have a pool.
  3. Get some actual water tests done to figure out exactly what you need. If the water is beyond salvage you can always pump and refill it rather than simply filling it in.
  4. Just goes back to the old saying. Better to stay quiet and have people think you're an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt. I mean, people questioned Funchess' speed going into the draft but then he went to the Combine and ran a 4.7 and it was like holy poo. We didn't know he was THAT slow. Then we still drafted him in the 2nd.
  5. It's all just good fun. No one will care that he looks like the starting QB for the local junior high team if he's a stud.
  6. Smart agents would be having these kids take the test beforehand so they know how they'll do on it. If they're gonna bomb, simply decline. Better to have teams guessing how bad you'd do compared to showing them exactly how bad.
  7. I don't know, but the vibrations from watching our terrible QB play in recent years certainly still reverberate on my nightmares. That opens a whole new conversation about how string theory interacts with consciousness.
  8. Russell Wilson got his own private office in Denver. We didn't go that far with Young, but I hear we do have him his very own reserved seat in the lunch room.
  9. Wonderlic and S2 are very different. Wonderlic is basically general intelligence. There's a timed aspect but it's not the primary focus. S2 is all about processing speed. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some decent correlation between the two but they measure pretty different mental abilities. But yeah, intelligence isn't the end all be all. I doubt Einstein would've made much of a QB.
  10. Yeah. Very well could be leaked by the Texans or some other top team to prep their fanbase for passing on him. Who knows?
  11. Vic Wooten for my money, honorable mention to Les Claypool. Though I admittedly viscerally despise Rush and that likely taints my opinion of Lee significantly.
  12. The newspaper model is just dead. It's over.
  13. I don't think it's very high on the priority list but a late rounder wouldn't surprise me.
  14. Damn. That sucks for the guy.
  15. RG3 looked like he was gonna be great until Shanny left him out there hobbled and got his knee destroyed. RG3 isn't a good comp at all for Young. He was physically superior in every measurable.
  16. Try to sell your house without one. You'll gonna be fielding calls and emails all day everyday from real estate agents just wanting the listing.
  17. Useless nugget... a good childhood friend of mine was married to the guy who wrote that song at the time he wrote it.
  18. IMO we've already made our big move up this year. I don't think we should he spending additional draft capital to end up with fewer picks at this point. I still don't rule out Chinn being dealt.
  19. From watching him play. I don't question his ability to generate velocity or go deep in a clean pocket. But that doesn't always happen in the NFL. I don't know if I've ever seen him throw a rope or go deep with pressure in his face. It's a legit concern.
  20. His and Mahomes' ability to throw on the move is just unreal. Those two guys can seemingly throw the same all running, falling away, whatever as they can standing in a clean pocket. It's a big part of their game and what makes them elite. Mahomes clearly has the bigger arm, but they share that same off platform ability.
  21. We hope. I'd be lying if I said I was certain about it though. I think Burrow's arm is quite a bit better. Young's reliance on winding up and stepping in concerns me.
  22. I don't think the concerns about Young's arm are zero. I think his arm is average at best at the NFL level. Watching him play he needs time to wind up and step into the throw to generate velocity or go deep. I'm excited about his potential and if our staff is completely sold on him then I have confidence he'll translate but the physical concerns are real as hell.
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