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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I honestly think a lot of this talk is just people echoing what they've heard other people say or write. Folks are gonna say "yeah, but that's college!" and I'll remind those folks that those games took place on the planet Earth so the physics of ball flight didn't change.
  2. Decent vet backup and hasn't Ickey talked about what a great mentor he's been? Seems like a good move to bring him back and keep working on what we're doing to build this OL.
  3. Deon Grant is definitely the best FS we've ever had, sad as that is. He was decent but by no means great. We've just never put much value in the position generally fielding two SS types. I'm finding a spot on that roster somewhere for Beason. Moton has to be there too. Hopefully after another year or too Ickey will be too. It's not like we have an illustrious history at OT.
  4. He seems very similar to Shenault as a prospect.
  5. I would but I already have two big dogs myself and now I have this kitten... along with a chinchilla, three fish tanks, two horses, two mini horses, a goat... yeah, I'm full up.
  6. I can't see that happening. Just reading between the lines on comments from the front office and staff I think we're about to give up on Shi but we see potential with Shenault. I definitely think Thielen and TMJ will be our top two WRs week one with Shenault and Mingo rounding out the top four. We'll see how it plays out over the course of the season. Thielen has additional value for us because he can play in the slot or outside.
  7. Yeah, considering our WR room I'm okay with maybe overpaying a solid vet. Our rookie QB needs help and our young WRs could benefit from a good vet mentor. It might be overpaying from the eyes of another team but viewed through our eyes it (or a similar move) was an absolute necessity. It's not like it's a cap crippling move in the grand scheme of things. It's a bridge move and we desperately needed a WR bridge after being forced to trade DJ to get our QB.
  8. Austin just isn't an NFL talent. He has good hands and he's fundamentally sound he's just not going to be able to get any separation at the NFL level.
  9. Proehl is stereotypical slot receiver type. He's very fundamentally sound but he's undersized (even for a slot) and honestly just doesn't have NFL caliber talent IMO.
  10. I remember Dohnovan West being on my radar as a potential late round pick.
  11. It's up to 265g now so it's more than doubled it's weight. Eyes are fully open now and it's starting to take some clumsy awkward steps.
  12. My only statements in this thread have been regarding the hypothetical situation where Bryce doesn't start because he doesn't heat out Andy Dalton. Unsurprisingly, there aren't any positive takes in that scenario. I've said that I expect Bryce to start.
  13. I've made no proclamations about what I expect to happen. You've just assumed these things. I expect Bryce to start week one. If he doesn't because he can't beat out Andy Dalton there's gonna be panic in the fanbase. Am I wrong?
  14. Okay, Bruce. Covering for the coming tanking a little hard there bro. With that said, Mayfield is significantly better than he looked here playing for the Rhule clown show. Still doubt he'll ever be seen as a long term solution at QB for an NFL team again.
  15. I don't know how you interpret this as worrying.
  16. I'm just acknowledging the obvious that the plan is going massively awry if Young doesn't start week one.
  17. Let down? This place is going to be a complete poo show if Andy Dalton starts week one. Could you imagine Andy Dalton starting week one for us while Stroud and Richardson has great debuts?
  18. Old school coaches want to make the youngster earn it. Even if everyone knows it's basically a farce.
  19. Let's be honest. To this day all of his clout basically goes back to that one time when he hit that Michigan RB really hard. Without that one highlight reel he'd just be another underperforming high NFL draft pick who's hype fizzled and became an afterthought.
  20. I think he may realize he just won't be good at it. I mean, he's never came across as particularly personable or engaging. He doesn't strike me as someone who would be a natural at broadcasting and I don't see him doing something if he isn't going to be great at it.
  21. Imagine being in a situation where you could look at a $375M contract and just decide to be like, "Nah. I'm good. Think I'll just pass." Damn. Must be nice. And he'll end up getting even more because they know he can afford to just walk away from it if he wants to.
  22. He does when his first read is open. It's just that when his first read isn't open AND immediate pressure doesn't force him to instantly check down, that's when disaster strikes. Sam Darnold having to go through his progression is likely to yield a negative result. Unfortunately for him, NFL DCs excel at taking away your first option. That's why Darnold looks good in systems until DCs get a few games of film to study. Once they get a feel for Sam Darnold within an offensive system it's a wrap. They've got him.
  23. Yeah, we know he's an extremely talented thrower of the football. That's how he keeps getting work. But if that was all that mattered when it came to playing QB Jamarcus Russell would be the GOAT.
  24. Which causes Charlotte residents to beam with pride for a moment and contributes literally nothing else. Seems like a shitty investment of $600M if you ask me.
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