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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The only thing we can really take from camp is performance against known commodities. If a new guy is having success against a proven vet, we can know that's a good thing. Other than that? Two guys struggling to make a roster going up against each other? Two young guys? We just can't take much from it. There's not enough known information. It has nothing to do with personal experience playing sports.
  2. Just a word of warning y'all. We always let things go slack here during the off-season since there's not a lot of Panthers news to discuss in the off-season. We let conversations ramble and we let narratives run wild. But I just want to say that the folks who have been constantly derailing threads with their particular narrative of choice all off-season won't last long with that same approach now that camp has started. We're not gonna put up with threads getting derailed with constant bickering and in-fighting from the same handful of posters.
  3. The conundrum of camp. Is this player/unit really good or does that other player/unit just suck?
  4. Bingo. I wasn't a huge fan of the signing but the guy is doing all the right things so far. That's all that we can ask of him.
  5. A lot of ties to WCU basketball here in town with Casey Rogers and Corey Largent playing there and long-time Freedom HS HC Terry Rogers going there to coach (undoubtedly the primary reason Casey and Corey went to WCU, though Casey swore that it was because they were promised to be four year starters which they were).
  6. We've been suffering through a stretch of possibly the worst QB play in the NFL in recent years. It's alright to allow yourself some enjoyment.
  7. This. So far in his career, he's basically been a poor man's Cordarelle Patterson. Even if he doesn't develop into a legit starting WR, a versatile dangerous playmaker is still a nice roster piece.
  8. I swear, y'all will find a way to fug up and derail any thread...
  9. Mine was $450k in CO in 2015 for 2000 square feet on 3/4 acre built in the mid-80s. Sold for a couple hundred thousand dollar profit in 2020. Valuing currently around $825k and falling. Bought 3000 square feet on 12 acres built in 2012 here in western NC two years ago for $380k. Currently valuing around $500k and rising.
  10. Their OL last year was like some of our past OLs. Usually saying a guy was a starter is a good thing, but when the unit is an utter dumpster fire it's an indictment.
  11. For the good of the players as a whole, a QB cap would be a great thing. Or just a max contract stipulation, period. But for competitiveness the current system is best. Want that MVP caliber QB? It's gonna cost you a big chunk of your cap. Put a cap on contracts and that handful of teams that has a legit MVP caliber QB on the roster is gonna have an even bigger competitive advantage than the huge one they already have.
  12. Maybe, but holy poo if they weren't FLOCKING to CO in the '07-'10 range. Felt like every third person you met had just moved there from Michigan.
  13. The sunbelt is blowing up as far as people moving in. The real driver of a lot of this moving is from places with crippling cost of living to places of considerably lower cost of living. hepcat and I both fit that mold. There feels like there's a practical invasion of Long Islanders in this area currently for precisely that reason. Colorado felt under invasion by Californians for years for the same reason.
  14. "Commanders" was always pretty awful. I just don't see anyone getting behind it. And since it's so wildly unpopular anyway, seems like a fitting start for new ownership to just get a completely fresh new start and change the name.
  15. I don't think any of us have any clue what we're going to put on Bryce's plate just yet and we won't until we get into the season. Talk is talk. We'll have to see what we do. I do think we went out and signed a legit vet FA RB to take some of the pressure off of Bryce and be able to establish the run to setup the pass when need be.
  16. I'm honestly kinda shocked by the Austin boom. The city itself is cool. Lots to offer for people looking for cool city stuff. But like you mentioned, no mountains or beach or really basically just nothing of note for hours in any direction. Like where do you go for a day trip or weekend getaway from Austin? I gotta think that you almost develop a landlocked form of island fever. There are just very limited cool quick getaways. I mean, if you're gonna pay damn near Boulder prices you might as well just go to Boulder and get the same type of vibe and have a lot more cool poo nearby.
  17. The brisket was a big hit. I usually smoke them at 250 for as long as it takes to get them to 200 with a Texas crutch when it stalls (usually around 170 in my experience). But one of my childhood best friends who is career military is in town and really wanted a good smoked brisket. His wife is from Texas and he was stationed there for years. He's tied up this weekend with family stuff though so it had to happen during the week so I had to go off script. I cooked it in a 155 degree sous vide for 36 hours then threw it on the smoker for five hours coming home at lunch to fire up the smoker. Smoked the beans and mac and cheese for an hour then finished them off for about 15 minutes in the oven at 350. Honestly, I think the brisket turned out just as good as usual flavor wise. Presentation wise it didn't develop the smoke ring I usually get but honestly I don't really care. Is it really good to eat? Yes. Okay, winning. When I have the time to man the smoker all day I'll probably still do a straight smoke, but that's also why I usually only do a couple briskets a year. The sous vide cheat will allow for making it more often. Probably gonna try a pork butt with the sous vide to smoker cheat next.
  18. I wouldn't say it's bad but I do think the quality has slipped. They've backed off on the spice IMO for one. The spicy chicken filet used to have a real kick to it.
  19. This is not a game y'all. Puttin' it DOWN today. Also, a new contender for the thread emerges. This is good stuff. A little heavy on the celery salt but other than that it's about perfect for a store bought sauce.
  20. Things change when you're getting paid and are potentially easily replaceable. People have made this argument against kids sitting out meaningless bowl games but I've never seen any evidence of that decision negatively impacting draft stock or the mentality carrying over to the NFL.
  21. Kinda ridiculous to be mad at a college kid protecting his potential pro career. It ain't basketball or soccer. Every time those kids take the field they legitimately risk an injury that could derail any chance of a pro career.
  22. I don't watch enough App games to know but is that a product of his lack of ability in that area or more a product of their offensive system? Some teams just don't really throw to RBs much. I meant just think back to Mike Shula. RBs were basically just treated as extra blockers in his offense. Hell, we all begged for screens until we were blue in the face when Cam was getting teed off on by teams blitzing us.
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