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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. FYI, Food Lion has their whole pork butts on sale for 99 cents per pound right now. I always buy my yearly supply when they do this. Just chunk them in my chest freezer.
  2. Didn't mean it as a shot at you personally, just an observation of the field as a whole. Don't hate the player hate the game type of deal.
  3. We dodged such a bullet on Watson. Seems like everything Tepper lusts after in the game of football is gonna be a bad idea.
  4. It's hard to comment when I have no idea about the local market. It feels high to me, but so did the framing quote. But it very well might just be the going rates for the area.
  5. That's not saying much. We've historically largely ignored the secondary putting all of our resources into the front seven.
  6. Outside of very specific situations I agree. I remember when Shaq largely shutdown an aging Larry Fitzgerald while playing the "buffalo nickel" position in Ron and McDermott's defense. But at that point in his career, Fitz was best treated as a TE split out wide. Those are the types of very specific scenarios I'm talking about. But go up against someone like the Rams who's #1 receiver (Kupp) oftentimes lines up in the slot and it's gonna be a disaster. It's how the Giants nearly came back on us from a huge deficit in the 2015 regular season. They put OBJ in the slot to get him away from Norman and he just ate us alive.
  7. I cannot see anyway to honestly argue for us having a top 5 NFL CB duo, especially using a S/LB hybrid who will be playing a "big nickel" position that's basically exactly that - a S/LB hybrid position as one of the CBs. But, that seems to be the way sports media is going in the internet era. The easiest way to get retweets and shares and clicks js from people calling you an idiot for a clickbait take.
  8. Absurdly wealthy people with fug you money still fuging over other people to accumulate even more wealthy is the primary driving force of "the economy".
  9. We looked like poo on Saturday. The folks ready to write us off and start looking at the '24 draft class are way overreacting. But the folks acting like it's definitely no reason for concern might be in denial too. We'll have to see where we go from here. We just don't know. Maybe Saturday was a sign of things to come or maybe the Jets just took that game a lot more seriously than we did. Time will tell.
  10. Knock it off with the petty personal bickering.
  11. Better play in the trenches on both sides. I feel like we didn't really get to fairly judge most of the roster or either unit as a whole because we were just getting mollywhopped up front.
  12. https://commanderswire.usatoday.com/2023/08/16/baltimore-ravens-marlon-humphrey-washington-commanders-sam-howell/ Rivera’s quarterback is Sam Howell. Howell, coming off an impressive performance in the preseason-opening win over the Cleveland Browns, had another good day against the Ravens on Tuesday. Howell, known for his deep ball, instead used a quick passing game to keep Baltimore’s defense on its heels. That got the attention of Baltimore Pro Bowl cornerback Marlon Humphrey. “He looked pretty comfortable,” Humphrey said when asked about Howell. “I didn’t know if it was going to be him or [Jacoby] Brissett throwing with the ones, but I know they have some speed out there at receiver, for sure. But he looked really comfortable. He’s a second-year guy, but he looked really comfortable back there at quarterback.”
  13. Woof. I don't know about that. I don't doubt his talent a bit but he looked like he needs some more development this past weekend while Minshew looked pretty sharp. Seems like they have a pretty ideal situation to not have to force him onto the field before he's truly ready.
  14. Sucks but at least it's another year of NFL paychecks.
  15. I don't care about the "wrong side of 30" thing. Not every player on your roster is gonna be a long-term fixture in the locker room. In fact most aren't, regardless of age.
  16. I'd rather bring in line help. I don't care if Sanders plays in the preseason. He's a vet. He doesn't need it.
  17. I'm okay with Chuba as the #2 RB. We just have bigger roster needs than a RB if we're out there looking to make moves. We looked awful in the trenches on Saturday. If we're going to make moves let's get linemen.
  18. I mean, to be completely fair we could have our best roster in several years and still pretty much suck.
  19. I'd be more hopeful about this news had Moton not looked like a human turnstile on Saturday.
  20. I interpreted that as "we're waiting on someone to get healthy because our healthy guys suck".
  21. I definitely don't think it's playoffs or bust. Too many variables in that. Quality of the division, quality of the conference, injury bug breaking the right way, etc. I just want to see competency and hope that the organization is heading the right direction. Basically the opposite of what we saw on Saturday.
  22. I didn't realize Hardy went there too. The shadiness of these HS "academies" is real. They basically exist to keep athletes academically eligible while they focus on sports. The grift is that the kids actually going somewhere are on scholarship. The rest of the school is rich kids whose parents bought the sales pitch. Maybe they'll end up playing D3 ball but they never had the talent to go anywhere anyway, it's just that someone has to pay the tuition to keeping the thing afloat.
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