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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Technically you're right. It's probably only called 97.3% of the time.
  2. They've been made for years. If you hook the receiver you're asking for it.
  3. He has every right to the ball. You just can't hook the receiver and leave it to the ref to judge that you hooking him didn't impede him. Just don't do it. Those types of flags have flown for years. Whether you like it or not players have to adapt to that.
  4. No, you can't. If the ref judges that you impeded the receiver it's DPI. If he's jumping and comes up short and you have your arm around his waste flags are gonna fly. It's been like that for years, this isn't new.
  5. If he's jumping and comes up short the ref is gonna assume you were holding him down.
  6. Sucks they got a false start. I was looking forward to heehaw laughing when Teddy threw it short of the line to gain from the two and the receiver got tackled short. It's Teddy. It was guaranteed to happen. He's allergic to throwing a ball past the sticks.
  7. Y'all, when you hook the receiver around the body with your off arm it's gonna draw a flag every time. That was a clean play in the early '00s, but not in the '20s.
  8. Teddy just visibly labors to throw a ball of any depth or velocity. He has to do a massive windup with an elongated delivery to pull it off. Probably why he really avoids those types of throws. Windups and slow deliveries lead to INTs in the NFL.
  9. Why? He's basically a former 1st round bust who has put up backup TE numbers throughout his career. I hope he breaks out but it's unlikely at 30. I think Fitts just pulled the class Hurney move - let's pay someone like a quality starter and maybe they'll play like it.
  10. The ginger sensation immediately throws an absolute hospital ball.
  11. There's just no sugarcoating it. Icky has looked like poo this preseason.
  12. Other angle showed the knee hit him in the midsection, not the head like it looked like. Hopefully just got the breath knocked out of him.
  13. Seeing some nice escapability from Bryce but the OL still looks like complete dog poo.
  14. I was intrigued by Lance. The guy had 28 TDs vs. 0 INTs in his one full year as a starter albeit against lesser college competition. Plus another 1100 yards and 24 TDs on the ground. That's wild, regardless of leveling of competition. So, I made it a point to tune into the one game he played the following season. I saw a poor man's The Golden Calf of Bristol. I was all the way off that hype train immediately.
  15. I haven't seen enough from Bryce to be worried. I haven't seen anything to be excited about either. I have seen enough from the OL to be concerned though. They've looked awful. We'll see what the staff and team has up their sleeves once the regular season starts. I'm concerned but far from losing hope.
  16. Yeah, the heat issue is just a deal breaker for me. Keep it clean too because of you let any mildew at all build up you have an ice skating rink when it's damp. Oh, and use the Trex tape over your joists or your framework will end up rotting out around the screws and our from under your Trex.
  17. Good luck with that. Every sub-6' WR is still Smitty 2.0 for Panthers fans.
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