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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I had no concerns about the player but I have a lot of concerns about his ability to stay on the field. Odds are he's the Jaycee Horn of LBs.
  2. The Denver market looks huge on a map but for most of that map cows literally outnumber people
  3. We'll see on September 8th. I ain't buying any wolf tickets between now and then.
  4. I just want him to be massively improved or just completely suck ass again. No half steps. The biggest thing I want out of this season is clarity at QB. Do we have one or do we need one? I think it's highly likely the latter, but let's just definitively find out one way or the other please.
  5. I don't follow the NBA but I think that kid has a lot of upside. Really good athlete for his size.
  6. 5-6 games isn't much of an accomplishment. You basically just need a couple lucky bounces and a couple of opponents not showing up. You're still one of the worst teams in the league. But no, honestly I expect fewer.
  7. Of all the poo our government pisses away money on this is the least of things to bitch about. Will it turn into a sweetheart project that takes twice as long and costs three times the budget and the contract handed to someone very politically connected? Well, naturally. That's how government operates.
  8. Might be time to downgrade our expectations. Oh wait, that's basically impossible. LOL
  9. This thread is a great reminder to remember you're being gaslit when politicians and the media tries to tell you how great the economy is doing. The wealthy are getting wealthier at everyone else's expense.
  10. I kinda feel the opposite. 6th and 7th round picks are basically the NFL equivalent of a scratch off lottery ticket. If you need a kicker or punter it's not a bad investment if there's a good rookie available. What other positions are you going to be able to get the best prospect available at that point in the draft?
  11. Not sure how the I-77 tolls are setup but they're usually a grift that are privately owned or the good old "public-private partnership" that is usually just window dressing used car salesmanship for being privately owned.
  12. I'm just saying, moneyed people always get served first.
  13. Already served my light rail. The money in the outlying areas is on Lake Norman. Huntersville and Mooresville have absolutely blown up since I lived in Birkdale Village 15+ years ago. Like unrecognizable from then. And getting into Charlotte from there on I-77 is a fuging nightmare.
  14. I hope he's humbled and put in the work this off-season because that dude was completely full of himself last preseason. Dude would go out there and look like a damn speed bump and then be over there laughing it up on the sidelines and talking a big game when they'd interview him. I think the guy has the talent to do the job. Hopefully last year's ass whooping was a needed wakeup call that sustained NFL success isn't easy.
  15. This will provide a lot more service to the community than a new football stadium.
  16. That's just not smart. Other than a handful of truly elite kickers in the league everyone else at the position is viewed as completely replaceable. They're obviously going to bring in other kickers and all it takes is for one to show a lot of promise for you to get told to hit the bricks and now you're just one of the guys being brought in somewhere else just hoping to win a job.
  17. You can definitely judge individual talent. When the majority of your OL is just getting manhandled, your QB is floating ducks around, and your receivers can't get any separation against basic coverages you have a problem. We had a very obvious problem last preseason but most folks decided to delude themselves anyway.
  18. Not for most of the Huddle. Hell, they were still convinced we were playing some type of 4D chess not showing our cards when we looked like the NFL equivalent of a JV team during preseason. When I was saying things like "our OL literally can't block the man in front of them" and "Bryce does not have a starting caliber NFL arm" and "our WRs can't get any separation" I was mocked for not understanding that preseason doesn't matter and we'll look like a completely different team once our brain trust starts game planning. Okay, we'll see. Well, we saw.
  19. 2023 was doomed from jump street. I kinda like having as close as we can get to an equal measuring stick to see if we look any better vs. the same point last year.
  20. Yeah, I'd take the guy who had a great rookie season over anyone who has never taken an NFL snap yet.
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