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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That's how guys like him keep getting opportunities. They have all the talent. They make some plays that leave you clinging to hope that it'll eventually click. They're good guys and great in the locker room. At the end of the day he's never going to be a quality starting NFL QB but he's gonna put a LOT of money in the bank so good for him.
  2. Drafting a RB coming off an ACL tear in the 2nd round was baffling.
  3. Ya gotta think about it, I mean going into FA if there's a player you really want at a premium position just start doing the math. Okay, what are the odds we actually get caught? Okay, the precedent is it'll cost us a 5th IF we get caught and we WANT this guy. Yeah, hit that motherfuger up, let's GO!
  4. The NFL doesn't care about tampering. I mean, if tampering helps you get a FA you really want at the most important position in sports losing a 5th round pick is WELL worth it. That's not going to deter anything. Hell, it might actually ENCOURAGE tampering.
  5. I hope we bring in some kicker off the couch who just absolutely kills it. I mean, I get a guy wanting to get paid his worth. But there are VERY few kickers with actual leverage in this league. He ain't one of them. Pretty much no kicker on one of the worst rosters in the league is one of them. You might make a kick or two that fugs up our draft position. Get lost. LOL At the end of the day, most NFL kickers can be great if they never have to make clutch kicks. When your team is complete ass there are no clutch kicks. Let him go to a contender and we'll find out how good he really is
  6. It doesn't matter if he's quiet and not a rah rah in your face guy. His teammates will respond if he proves he can help them win. Honestly, being super vocal without having proven anything would be more of a negative than a positive. Ain't nobody trying to hear from the second year sales guy who's never hit a quota in his life. STFU and do something before you wanna say something. Just because you can rattle off a bunch of specs doesn't mean poo. It ain't helped you sell anything as far as I can tell.
  7. We got fuged because the NFL forced JR out before they forced Snyder out. Not to defend JR but Snyder absolutely deserved to be the first to go. Tepper had already been hand picked by the good old boys club to be the next admitted so as soon as the Panthers were the first franchise on the block we were doomed. We were jumping on that grenade like it or not.
  8. The NFL forced the team to be sold to David Tepper. It's been all downhill from there. It really is just that simple.
  9. I hope so. The worst case scenario might actually be the most likely scenario. Bryce incrementally improves enough to make us think he might still be able to be a capable starting QB. Not an elite starting QB, but "good enough". I want one or the other. I want him to make a huge leap and having me saying "alright y'all I was wrong, he is HIM" or I want him to just suck ass again and look no better so we all know we have to move on. The danger zone is that gray area in between.
  10. It's funny to call it "latching onto an agenda". All the things I was dragged about leading up to the draft last year about expressing concerns about Bryce and his physical tools and limitations in his game played out on the field last year. The folks latching onto an agenda are the ones who are still trying to convince themselves that his super processing abilities are going to be enough to make up for the long list of physical limitations and footwork that exacerbates them. He has to rebuild his game from the ground up. That's the reality. I hope he can pull it off. That's what would be the best for the Panthers. But I'd be lying if I said I expected it to happen. The most likely situation is that we're all talking 2025 QB prospects by Halloween.
  11. Footwear? LOL Sure, everyone is working on refining their game. Bryce has to rebuild his. There's a difference.
  12. Every team can do this with their picks. We can just do it more than most because we suck. Drafting poorly tends to result in sucking. It took Belichick's years of poor drafting to catch up to the Pats but once Brady was gone and quality vets were no longer willing to come on a ring chasing discount it raised it's ugly head in a major way. Their overall roster is at least as bad as ours. Arguably worse.
  13. I took a look at them for you and the verdict is... unclear. They tout how their product is all natural and how competitors are using harsh solvents, etc. But there's no mention of how they're producing their THC. Can you use CO2 extraction to extract pure natural THC from hemp? Yeah, you can. But at under 3% THC by law, you need a poo ton of hemp to do it and you need very expensive equipment and well trained people to run it. The vast majority of hemp derived THC is used by converting CBD to THC which requires the use of solvents and strong acids. The process can be safely done but of you're doing it while touring your product as being all natural you're not being honest and if you have an all natural product and you're not being specific about your methods I suspect dishonesty.
  14. Then again, if you get into a situation where you need assisted living you're going to chew through a million way faster than you'd think. As long as you can live on your own you can make money go a long way living modestly but assisted living is out-fuging-rageous.
  15. Yeah, "needing" a million plus seems excessive but $50-100k seems low. Somewhere in between is probably the right minimum number for most folks.
  16. They absolutely shouldn't, hence why I keep referring to it as supplementation.
  17. If you have $100k in the bank and you live in a paid for home you can probably make it quite awhile relatively comfortably with SS supplementation as long as you're not being extravagant. Then you hit the first big medical expense and now you're in a financial tailspin.
  18. How deep into retirement were these folks? I just don't see how $50-100k is going to carry you very far even with Social Security supplementation unless you have significant other assets you can also liquidate as needed - which is probably the huge factor missing here.
  19. Cost of living, crippling traffic, total culture change (everything just started to feel forced and fake), having a kid and all our family being on the other side of the country. Basically we were ready to tap out after 14 years and the equity we had in our home was just too much to pass up when COVID hit. Who knew if things were gonna keep skyrocketing or totally tank? Couldn't risk it. Time to go. Honestly, I despise Asheville. It's hillbilly Boulder. The entire vibe is just so forced and fake. If I want to remember why I left Colorado all I have to do is drive 45 minutes to Asheville to see the wish.com version.
  20. It's illegal because of the paper industry. It's remained illegal because of big tobacco then later big pharma. Underlying racism was just part of the sales pitch. I'm honestly surprised that big tobacco hasn't shifted to lobbying hard FOR marijuana legalization. Tobacco use is declining. They need a new cash cow.
  21. I honestly have no idea how you'd get enough for them to even come the transfer fee. Who wants to be obligated to buy a season's worth of Panthers tickets in perpetuity right now?
  22. There's a lot fuged up with our legal system. They're still arresting people for a plant that no one has ever OD'd from while carrying around Narcan. Figure that one out.
  23. 100% One of the local county DAs has already been very local about how they plan to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
  24. Yep, remember those days well living in CO at the time. I would not recommend heading to Cherokee planning to stock up. Wouldn't be surprising to see checkpoints with dogs. Such a tremendous use of resources.
  25. The offense is going to have to be a lot better because the D is likely to take a step back. Gotta remember we lost two of our top three defenders in Burns and Luvu. Gotta build that side around Brown now.
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