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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. They are EVERYWHERE throughout the rural south. It wasn't like this in CO but hell, maybe they've exploded in CO over the last three years too.
  2. I can't say I'm shocked because he looked like this in the preseason. I was just really hoping that scheming was going to help. It didn't. Let's just hope he, the staff, and the whole team improve throughout the season. Because we basically lost to a team that was practically playing without a QB given their play calling that was clearly primarily about not letting Ridder lose them the game.
  3. Aside from the two bad INTs he looked okay. Not great, not terrible. Just okay. The miss deep from the 1 was tough. You have to hit that throw at this level. Mingo (I think it was Mingo) was NFL wide open with two steps on the DB and Bryce was in a clean pocket. You HAVE to hit on that. What disappointed me is when you make the type of huge move we made to get a guy you're wanting to at least see a few splash plays that make you think "Okay, yeah that was special. I see why this is a guy we felt like we had to go all in on." I just didn't see any of those types of plays. I still see a guy with very marginal NFL physical tools who is going to have to be NFL Einstein level intelligent (and likely surrounded by a top tier supporting cast) to be special.
  4. Biggest takeway of this game for me? We weren't hiding a bunch of cards up our sleeve in the preseason. The OL protected better but other than that we pretty much looked just like we did in the preseason.
  5. Commanders are going to overcome three turnovers to win. Their D delivered and their QB worked just enough magic to overcome a turnstile OL. Howell had a bad fumble late in the 1st half but bounced back with some hero throws to setup a FG. He threw a pick but it was off a tipped ball at the LOS, but he did have one ball that should've been picked dropped so that kinda washes out. Showed off his arm, showed off his legs. There's definitely room for improvement and refinement but overall Commanders fans have to be happy with their young QBs second start.
  6. Damn. Johnathan Allen just got a sack via bitch slap.
  7. Oh man, classic Ron. Get a turnover bordering on redzone territory up 1 late and run it up the gut three times to setup a FG so you can bite your nails and pray your D holds.
  8. Meh, I'm not giving up on him but those two staredown late INTs across the middle aren't what I wanted to see from a guy who was supposed to be super NFL ready. It just seems like his physical toolset is pretty limited at the NFL level so he's going to have to be two steps ahead mentally and that's a tall ask in the NFL.
  9. This has been pretty deflating. I had really hoped all the folks scoffing about preseason not mattering would prove to be correct. But for week one at least, the preseason was a perfect crystal ball.
  10. Hey, the Panthers are playing here and you're obsessed with talking about college football when no one else is. Why don't you talk about the Panthers in the Panthers game day thread and stop building snowmen?
  11. I wanted him bad. You can't teach his tools. I don't know if he'll ultimately make it or not but he's Cam 2.0 physically
  12. Why is Henderson still on this roster? He's terrible.
  13. Ouch. Perfect bracket coverage and our DBs just can't find the ball. And DOI to boot? Oof.
  14. You're not pointing out the obvious. You're trying to change the subject of the argument because you don't like my takes on completely unrelated subjects.
  15. We're talking about the Panthers here. What y'all are doing is building a strawman.
  16. Your reply was purely emotional. Meanwhile, Bryce just missed a wide open 99 yard TD throw by half a mile. He just hasn't had a great debut. That's all. And you wanna build a strawman to cover for it.
  17. Ouch. Mingo was NFL wide open and sails it. That needs to be a 99 yard TD
  18. He's thrown two staredown INTs and otherwise looked fairly pedestrian against a D keying on the run. Don't be mad at me.
  19. That was uncomfortably close to breaking big. You know a QB sucks when the safeties are playing up on 3rd and forever
  20. We haven't thrown deep all day. Probably just thought he was running a clear out. I'm only partially joking.
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