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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Because it's about the future. They didn't make that move for Bryce for this year. They made it with the next 10+ years in mind. Time will tell whether or not the gamble pays off but yeah, it's gonna be a huge setback if it doesn't and that would lead to yet another house cleaning under Tepper.
  2. We lost the game on turnovers. It's hard to win games at any level when you're -3 in the turnover column. It's REALLY hard to do it at the NFL level.
  3. The Red Rifle is shot and we've mortgaged the future of the franchise on a physically limited but supposedly super NFL ready QB. I just don't see any benefit to letting him "sit and learn". Learn what? The biggest thing he has to do is adjust to the speed and complexity of the NFL game in real time on the field. Gotta play to do that. You aren't learning that on the sideline.
  4. I haven't watched the video myself, but you might want to look into how DG treats their employees. I mean, I realize employee exploitation is very much the norm in America but holy poo does DG ever take it to another level.
  5. I'm honestly assuming on the second one that he just flat out didn't see the defender. It happens.
  6. The first one I think a guy with a hose maybe gets it in there. It'd still be ill advised. The second one was just all around bad though.
  7. I mean, I'm not complaining. I think it was smart player management IMO. It's just dumb to have your best players out there when you're out of contention if they're already banged up. It's a different story if you're fighting for a playoff berth.
  8. This. His accuracy wasn't as good as I expected and the two INTs were both late throws across the middle with a lurking safety. That's always a danger ball and one you better not throw unless you have a cannon of an arm and pinpoint accuracy. Bryce's arm has always looked NFL average at best to my eyes. His mobility and slipperiness was basically what I expected. He's not Michael Vick by any stretch of the imagination but he can buy some time and run a little bit when he has to. I'd be lying if I said I was completely convinced that his mind can make up for what the body lacks.
  9. I honestly didn't see much to get excited about but didn't see anything to panic about either. We'll see how he develops.
  10. I don't have second teams but I do have other players that I follow, Sam Howell being the the chief one.
  11. Cope. How is it a total rebuild? We've blown a lot of our roster building capital. We aren't in great cap space and we traded a lot of draft assets. What are we to build with?
  12. I think that QB was told to airmail that ball. That so bad and the way he smiled afterwards I honestly think he was told to do that.
  13. Giants are still fumbling like crazy but at least they're recovering them now.
  14. Collinsworth is defending this idiocy, meanwhile Jones is just getting fuging OBLITERATED every snap.
  15. When the toughness mentality gets taken to the level of idiocy.
  16. Oh good grief. Anyone pining for The Red Rifle can't be taken seriously.
  17. Gotta give it up to them for that. Respect. I've watched my teams lay some eggs and always stayed to the end but I don't think I've ever had to endure this level of egg laying and certainly not in a monsoon.
  18. I'd rather root for a team that loses every game than root for a team employing Sean Payton.
  19. I was flabbergasted when they gave him that contract. The guy puts up stats that would've been decent in the '80s but in the 2020s? He a replacement level QB. Definitely not a guy you give $40M/year.
  20. The Cowboys have barely over 250 yards but have racked up 40 points. That's crazy.
  21. 40-0 FORTY TO ZERO In a game where the spread was Cowboys -3.5.
  22. I can't believe there are actually people outraged we didn't hire Sean Payton. There are few things that would make me drop the Panthers like a bad habit but hiring that piece of dog excrement is on that list.
  23. I was wildly wrong about Parsons. Didn't want another off the ball LB high in the 1st. Never dreamed a guy with 6.5 sacks in college would evolve into one of the NFL's premier pass rushers in the NFL.
  24. There's no defending cutting Cam to pay Teddy Bridgewater like a legit starter. It's not cutting Cam in a vacuum. It's cutting Cam AND paying Teddy Bridgewater acting like we've upgraded at QB and found our future.
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