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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I didn't anticipate Bryce's grade to be that bad but he wasn't very good. I figured he'd get a middle of the pack grade for our offense.
  2. I can't recall his name ever coming up. I recall it being reported that the Bears wanted Burns, Brown, or Moore which makes sense and it being reported or maybe suggested that we were trying to get them to bite on Chinn.
  3. It's all about being able to maximize non-football usage of stadiums. It has nothing to do with football. If you want the best FOOTBALL stadium you have grass. If you want the best overall money making venue you want artificial turf.
  4. What move is there for them to make? It's not like teams have starting caliber QBs stacked like cord wood. What are they gonna do, trade for Trey Lance? What would that accomplish? Do they think a Gardner Minshew would give them a better chance to compete? I think they're stuck hoping Wilson can yank his head out of his ass. He wasn't completely terrible tonight.
  5. No way a guy pushing 40 was gonna survive behind that OL.
  6. The Packers only getting two rings out of 34 consecutive seasons of multiple MVP winning future 1st ballot HOF QB play is low key pretty damn pathetic.
  7. Heading to OT. Really didn't understand the Jets being so severely conservative on that last drive. No killer instinct.
  8. I hope the Jets get their hearts broken right here because of that chicken poo ass play calling.
  9. I distinctly remember a 5 INT game against Nebraska and he had multiple games with a completion percentage in the 30s. I'm telling ya, the guy was wildly inaccurate in college and I'm still shocked he wasn't a bust in the NFL.
  10. Will Allen jerk his head out of his ass and save the day or keep shitting the bed? Time to find out.
  11. Honestly, other than the INT Zach Wilson has done pretty much everything he can with absolute chaos happening around him.
  12. Holy poo. Allen with a hat trick of INTs tonight. And they've all been BAD.
  13. The Jets' are going to have to sign ALL the QBs because they're gonna get a lot of guys hurt behind this OL.
  14. Any unsigned QB with plenty of money in the bank would have to have a death wish to sign up to play behind this OL. Somehow they sold Rodgers on being able to fix it, but holy poo... this game honestly wouldn't look any different if Rodgers hadn't got hurt. Rodgers doesn't have early 20s legs and that's the only thing keeping Zach Wilson alive.
  15. Diggs did his best impersonation of playing DB. Honestly an offensive PI flag should've flown just in case the ball was dropped.
  16. Josh Allen is not having a good night. No way to sugarcoat it. This is Wyoming Josh Allen.
  17. There has been some atrocious OL play in week one. Like every bit as bad as our Bell/Chandler practically non-existent OLs. The league is gonna look at these games and basically just say "See, that's why we just let the KC RT blatantly cheat on every snap." If you don't let these guys get a head start they don't stand a chance.
  18. He really does, but Aaron Rodgers wouldn't fix this trash tier OL. In fact, it got him broken in four snaps. Anyone wondering what the news will be on Rodgers' injury doesn't need to look any further than Saleh's blatantly broken spirit every time they cut to him. Looks like a man who knows he landed a HOF QB and got exactly four snaps out of him.
  19. Even if he avoids serious injury news, Rodgers might wanna watch this OL and just call it a career anyways.
  20. Man, Zach Wilson has a hose. If he can somehow dislodge his head from his ass.
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