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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. We drafted a QB who is supposed to be a "super processor" and be able to spread the ball around. We don't need this mythical beast of a Huddle approved "#1 WR". We just need competent, legit NFL WRs.
  2. Who knows? What I do know though is that any high profile public person should just steer way clear of any and all social media and just pay a PR firm to run accounts on their behalf.
  3. The NFL couldn't possibly care less about who wins the Heisman. Hell, the honestly don't care about stats. It's all about projection to the NFL level. Williams has some very intriguing tools for sure, but how long he holds the ball is going to really get dissected by NFL talent evaluators. Can he speed up his processing? If he can't, he's not gonna translate.
  4. People were saying the same about Spencer Rattler.
  5. It's far from guaranteed that Caleb Williams will be the #1 overall pick. With how long he holds the ball and already talking about trying to call his own shots about the team he goes to the red flags are starting to fly.
  6. I don't think I've ever said either has "star potential".
  7. You are so obsessed with "stars". Hell, we're just looking for competent NFL players.
  8. Brown is a beast. And Burns would probably lead the league in sacks if he didn't have so many blow bys. Seems like several times every game he just comes screaming through the pocket without laying a hand on the QB. I wish he could find a way to throttle down and find the QB after getting by the block. Just watch the difference when Brown obliterates the blocker. Beats the block, quickly reassesses and resets and gets after the QB. It's like once Burns is on his trajectory there's no changing it.
  9. I mean, it's the Bears and QBs. Whoever they pick is gonna suck. It's like a law of the universe. The Bears and Jets have to suck at QB.
  10. This is his make or break year. If he doesn't show something this year it's time to cut bait and move on.
  11. Our OC is basically OC in name only. Reich is calling the plays.
  12. I realize he's a punter but good grief man, it's OT and if he gets past you that's game over and knowing ALL of that, THAT'S your effort? Utterly pathetic and embarrassing.
  13. My big concern with Williams is how long he holds the ball. He cannot hold the ball like that in the NFL. If he does he won't translate. Can he speed it up? I have no idea. His average time to throw last year would've been nearly dead last in the NFL.
  14. It's why I didn't like Herbert as a prospect. That was how Oregon treated him. Gotta love these guys who will still handcuff players with a lot more potential because of "muh system".
  15. The Bengals OL has been pretty bad most of his career and it got his knee blown out once before. It's tough for any QB to look good when the OL plays truly poorly. People crying about Rodgers getting hurt ruining the Jets' season are just ignoring how atrocious that OL looked. I'm surprised Wilson didn't get hurt too. If that OL doesn't play better they're gonna go through several QBs to get through 17 games.
  16. My point is that the NFLPA doesn't care about the rank and file. They didn't care until a superstar gets hurt. If they actually cared about the rank and file they'd be pushing for max contract stipulations and bumping minimum contracts, but the superstars don't want that.
  17. The Bengals finally broke the mold. Gotta give the Jets and Bears of the league hope.
  18. Yeah, I was about to say let dozens of rank and file players get hurt and *crickets*. Let one superstar QB in the biggest media market in the country get hurt and NOW it's a problem.
  19. Starting to look like Fields is just a bust. Chicago just can't catch a break with QBs. For such a stories franchise their QB history is pretty awful.
  20. "they" You gonna keeping this energy when Colorado ends up .500 or maybe one game over .500? "They" won't.
  21. Pretty much every reasonable college sports fan and analyst is like... yeah, this is some BULLSHIT.
  22. I honestly don't care. It's really hard to care when we've been so consistently bad for several years now. Is paying Burns superstar money supposed to make us a better team? If not, then why should I care?
  23. I really didn't understand why we were treating the preseason like we were an established top contender. I was hoping it was because we were much further along as a team than I expected. Having seen our opening game now I really don't understand it. It was pretty much exactly how we looked in the preseason. You would've thought we would've made better opportunity of the opportunity preseason provides to try to iron out some of those wrinkles.
  24. This is a highly relatable reaction given the circumstances.
  25. They should just rename the Panthers' bottom three on defense the "C.J. Henderson and company" list.
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