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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This "offense" is becoming a nightmarish flashback to the Pickles year.
  2. Hey Frank, hand off the headset to Thomas Brown. It can't go any worse than this.
  3. Some sign of life out of the offense here would be welcome.
  4. It's worse than I thought. Significantly worse.
  5. That TE is feeling that one. Brown buried his ass.
  6. Keep Chinn close to the LOS and he makes plays
  7. I just don't understand why Henderson is still on this roster.
  8. There's no correlation between passing yardage and winning football games? This just keeps getting better.
  9. Agreed. His physical toolset is marginal. He HAS to be a super processor to be elite on the NFL.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I really want him to be. But it's definitely not a slam dunk. No such thing as a sure thing in the NFL draft. I'm tired of hearing about him being a football savant and a "super processor" and all this jazz. I want to SEE it.
  11. So you'd still take Bryce even if he ends up being unimpressive in the NFL because of pre-draft opinions and test scores? I've seen some dumb arguments on here but this about takes the cake.
  12. Yeah, his pre-draft test scores do in fact mean nothing now. He's in the NFL. It's about his NFL performance at this point. If he doesn't end up working out I don't think anyone is going to be using his high S2 score to comfort themselves.
  13. Maybe. At the end of the day, teams want a winner. They'll look over a lot of they think a guy can bring wins. I mean, Sean Payton the pill popping overseer of Bountygate got another HC gig.
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