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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Piniero and the D are balling. This offense though...
  2. We have to put in Dalton to run a sneak? Jesus. And we jump.
  3. Yikes Mingo. Your QB is struggling. We can't afford you dropping a well thrown ball.
  4. He's just a JAG. He's never been a difference maker. It's why I wanted to let him walk after his rookie contract vs. paying him.
  5. The D deserves massive props for their play so far tonight. Single handedly keeping us in this game.
  6. Shaq went down and our D is playing every bit as well without him. That is not surprising to me.
  7. Where are all the "LOL! Preseason doesn't matter?" posters?
  8. This is honestly Jimmy Clausen level quarterbacking. I can't sugarcoat it.
  9. What an absolute gift from the refs. We really got bailed out there.
  10. Oh god. This is such a disaster. They had 9 men on the LOS on 3rd and 9. Tell me you know this QB can't throw it down the field without saying it.
  11. Imagine being him right now. You're the OC in name only watching your career prospects getting Frank the tanked.
  12. Agreed. I think I said as much before the end of the 1st quarter.
  13. You got a temporary timeout for spamming the poo out of every thread.
  14. Maybe we should call Ron and see if he'd do a Young for Howell swap just to enjoy the laugh.
  15. John Fox it. Run up the gut and head to the locker room.
  16. Luvu is one of our best bang for the buck players in a long time.
  17. On the positive front, the D is absolutely BALLING!
  18. In officially concerned about Bryce at this point. I'm just seeing zero "oh, THAT'S why we drafted this guy #1" moments.
  19. I'm happy with him. He's bouncing back from the Achilles really well and that's a HARD injury to come back from. I want him covering not tackling.
  20. The D is playing their asses off. Wake up offense!
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